Mannatech Resources


Glyconutrients...The Missing Link?

Typical set-up:
In many cases, the Back From the Brink audio tape alone can bring people into the business.  One of the master keys to succeeding with the audio tape is in the set-up.  The set-up can contribute 30 to 50% of your success.  It's what you say when you hand the tape to someone, or tell them about it over the phone that makes all the difference.  There are many things you could say.  Here's one: 

Is anyone you know struggling with chronic fatigue or another serious health condition?  (Let's assume they say yes).  I have the most extraordinary audio tape called Back From the Brink.  It tells the story of a medical doctor who found a way to reverse some of the most serious illnesses known to man.  I've got an extra copy of the tape and I think you'd find it fascinating.   

If they say yes to receiving the tape, you might finish by saying

The tape is about 35 minutes long and I would encourage you to listen to every minute of it.  It's worth it, because it's that life changing. 

One other key point - there's something thats perhaps even more important than what you say - how you say it.  The more enthusiastic you are about the message on this audio tape, as well as the reprint and cover letter, the easier it will be to convey your heartfelt feelings to others.  Your prospects will respond to your enthusiasm (as long as you don't take it to the level of hype), and the words you use to set up the tape and recruiting system will have even more meaning. 

Cover letter:

Dear Friend,

You have within your grasp one of the most important audio tapes in the world of health and longevity.  If you, or someone you care about is struggling with fatigue, pain, an illness or even a serious disease, listen to this tape carefully.  What you're about to hear will likely defy your belief about reversing disease. 

Imagine you are 43 years old, in the prime of your life, suddenly hanging on to the very edge of life with only one finger - and losing your grip.  So close to death's door.  Then imagine something is pulling you back-from the brink.

You're about to hear the story of a man who became so very ill, he went to the point of no return-but then returned.  Nine doctors gave up on him.  Nine doctors were sure he was going to die.  They were all wrong.  What you are about to hear may seem like a miracle.

I'm going to ask you to listen to this story with every ounce of your attention. It could dramatically affect the quality of your life and the life of your loved ones. On this tape you will hear a caring and compassionate doctor, who due to an amazing health breakthrough, found a way to transform the lives of many of his patients.  You'll also hear his astonishing story of how he was able to bring some of his patients - back from the brink.

To set the stage for this story, you may want to imagine that you've been invited to a friends house for a dinner party, and you happen to be sitting next to a fascinating medical doctor.  As you strike up a conversation, he begins to share with you the most amazing health recovery in his medical career.   

Sincerely yours,

PS.  Even if you only have time right now to listen to the first 5 minutes of this program, I encourage you to do so.  On this dramatic audio tape, Dr. Michael Schlachter shares this major health breakthrough with the world.  This new health formula is having profound effects upon health conditions that would normally be considered medical impossibilities. 

The Flyer:

A Major Health Breakthrough!

A NEW health formula is improving health conditions that would normally be considered
medical impossibilities 

Improvements in health range from good
to great to mind-boggling 

Fascinating FREE audiotape, called Back From the
explains this incredible discovery in detail  

If you, or someone you care about
is struggling with fatigue, pain or even a serious illness,
call the recorded message below and get this free tape   

Hear Dr. Michael Schlachter, a board-certified pulmonary disease
and internal medicine physician, explain this revolutionary formula.  
This audiotape will likely defy your belief about reversing disease.

   Find Out How Many Health Conditions
Are Being Improved Including:

  Heart Failure
  Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  BOOP (auto immune disorder)
  Lou Gehrigs Disease
  And many other serious health problems

To get your Free audiotape, simply call this
intriguing Toll Free recorded message anytime,
day or night  1-888-xxxx-xxxx

The following 6 ads and 24 hour voice mail script
have been designed to help you build your business with the Back from the Brink audiotape. 

Even though these ads are leading with a product, a certain percentage of the people who get the tape and use the products will decide (with your help) they want to build a part-time or full-time business.  The secret is to get the tape into peoples hands and let it work its magic.    

Our experience has proven that longer classified ads work better than shorter ones.  These ads were designed to run in publications that charge somewhere between 25 and 50 cents a word.  Be sure and test the ad first by running it one time to make sure it works.  Generally speaking, it should not cost you more than $20 to $45 to run these ads once and test them. 

Keep in mind also that you, or someone you choose, must deliver the voice mail message in a way that is compelling, but without hype.  This voice mail message has already been tested and proven.  If the message is recorded effectively, people will request the tape and leave their name, address and phone number.

Here are the latest, newest ads:

These ads are rated based on which ones we feel will be the most effective.  However, if cost is a factor, then use the shorter ones of the four ads (49 word and 39 word ads).  If cost is not a factor, use the 76 word ad or the 59 word ad.

 76 words, 427 characters  (first choice)

 Major Health Breakthrough!  A new health formula is improving health conditions that would normally be considered medical impossibilities.  Improvements in health range from good to great to mind-boggling. Fascinating free audiotape by MD explains this incredible discovery in detail.  To get your tape, call Toll Free recorded message 1-888-xxxx-xxxx. If you, or someone you care about is struggling with fatigue, pain or an illness, get this tape.  It will likely defy your belief about reversing disease.

 59 words, 346 characters  (second choice)

 Major Health Breakthrough!  A new health formula is improving health conditions that would normally be considered medical impossibilities.  Improvements in health range from good to great to mind-boggling. Fascinating free audiotape by MD explains this incredible discovery in detail.  To get your tape, call Toll Free recorded message 1-888-xxxx-xxxx. Call now.  Check this out really well.  This is special!

 49 words, 294 characters  (third choice)

 Major Health Breakthrough!  A new health formula is improving health conditions that would normally be considered medical impossibilities.  Improvements in health range from good to great to mind-boggling. Fascinating free audiotape by MD tells all.  To get your tape, call intriguing Toll Free recorded message 1-888-xxxx-xxxx.  This is special!

 39 words, 238 characters  (fourth choice)

 Major Health Breakthrough!  A new health formula is improving health conditions that would normally be considered medical impossibilities.  Fascinating free audiotape by MD tells all.  To get your tape, call intriguing Toll Free recorded message 1-888-xxxx-xxxx.  This is special!

 80 words:

   ANNOUNCING:  A major health breakthrough. This new health formula is dramatically improving health conditions that are normally considered medical impossibilities.  Improvements in health range from good to great to mind-boggling.  Patented and scientifically proven.  Endorsed by dozens of doctors.  Fascinating Free audiotape by M.D. (called Back from the Brink) explains this incredible discovery in detail.  Call our toll free 24 hr recorded message now to receive your free tape. Xxx-xxx-xxxx. Check this out really well.  Call now.  This is special!    

This is an alternate version of the same ad as above with slight edits and 2 lines added:

97 words:

     ANNOUNCING:  A major health breakthrough. This new health formula is dramatically improving health conditions that are normally considered medical impossibilities.  Improvements in health range from good to great to mind-boggling.  Patented and scientifically proven.  Endorsed by dozens of doctors.  Fascinating Free audiotape by M.D. (called Back from the Brink) explains this incredible discovery in detail.  Call our toll free 24 hr recorded message now to receive your free tape. Xxx-xxx-xxxx.  If you, or someone you care about is struggling with fatigue, pain or an illness, get this tape.  It will likely defy your belief about reversing disease. 



 Voice Mail Script for Back from the Brink Ads

Hello and thank you for calling. 

A revolutionary new health formula has been discovered which is changing the lives of thousands of people.  This is extraordinary!  Its backed by millions of dollars in scientific research, and endorsed by dozens of doctors.  The testimonials around this formula are astonishing.  Doctors and scientists are calling this the most important health discovery in a decade.  People using the formula are experiencing improvements in health that range from good to great to mind-boggling.    

A special audiotape has been recorded by a medical doctor, which explains in detail this incredible discovery.  This fascinating audiotape called Back from the Brink is yours absolutely free.  To receive your copy, please leave your name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address, if you wish.  Be sure and leave your phone number as we may need to customize this package especially for you.  This unique formula could be your secret weapon against illness and disease.  Please leave your name, address and phone number now.  Thank you so much for calling.  

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