Shalom Institute of the South Pacific - Promoting Hebraic Understanding of Hebrew Scripture

About Us
Have We Really Been Doing It By The Book?
The Physical Appearance of Ancient Israel
Yes - The Original Hebrews Were Blacks
The European change of the depiction of YAHUSHUA over time
The Characteristics of Israel
Identifying names to areas
Not Under Law But Under Grace Error
Moshiach Yahushua's Mission
Christianity's Departure from the Hebrew Patriarchal Roots
Apostle Shaul Taught Torah
Restoration of the 2 Houses of Israel
Who Do You Worship?
Some of Christianity's Origins
Where Did The Christian Sermon Come From?
The Pastor is in the Bible...Right?
The Pagan Trinity
Where do we go upon death?
The Origins of Christ-mass
Black King Tutankhamun
The Ancient Cushite Empire
The Golden African Age
"Jews" not the descendants of the Israelites
"Jewish" Talmud the wellspring of "Jewish" tyrannical teachings
What the Jewish Talmud says about Christians
More Truth about the Racist Jewish Talmud
"Jews" and Communism
Jews and the Black Holocaust
Blacks and Jews
More Assorted Information on the "Jews"
1001 Quotes By and About "Jews"
European Economic Domination of Afrika and Afrikans
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Christians are taught by their leaders to believe certain ideas and behave in certain ways. They are also encouraged to read their Bibles. But they are conditioned to read the Bible with the lens handed to them by the Christian tradition to which they belong. They are taught to obey their denomination (or movement) and never to challenge what it teaches.

If the truth be told, Christians never seem to ask why we do what we do. Instead, they blithely carry out their religious traditions without asking where they came from. Most Christians who claim to uphold the integrity of YAHUAH'S Word have never sought to see if what they do every Sunday has any scriptural backing. How do we know this? Because if they did, it would lead them to some very disturbing conclusions that would compel them by conscience to forever abandon what they are doing.

Strikingly, contemporary church thought and practice have been influenced far more by postbiblical historical events than by the Messianic Writings (New Testament) imperatives and examples. Yet most Christians are not conscious of this influence. Nor are they aware that it has created a slew of cherished, calcified, humanly devised traditions - all of which are routinely passed off to them as "Christian."


We now invite you to walk with us on an untrodden path. It is a terrifying journey where you will be forced to ask questions that probably have never entered your conscious thoughts. Tough questions. Nagging questions. Even frightening questions. And you will be faced squarely with the disturbing answers. Yet those answers will lead you face-to-face with some of the richest truths a Christian can discover.

Expelling Myths, Mischief and Misconceptions of Christianity