Hebrew African Roots Site

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Black Hebrews
Was Yahushua HaMoshiach (Jesus The Messiah) A Negro?
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Characteristics of Israel
The Physical Appearance of Ancient Israel
The Curses That Identify Hebrew Israelites
Parallels of Slavery
Ashkenazis Jews Are Not The Descendants Of Ancient Israelites
What's In A Name?
The Word "JEW" It's not in the Scriptures!
Nations of the Ancient Cushite Empire - Marvelous Facts From Authentic Records
The Golden Age of the African
The Vanishing Evidence of Classical African Civilizations
The Vanishing Evidence Of Classical African Civilizations - Part 1 - The Temple Evidence
The Vanishing Evidence Of Classical African Civilisations - Part 2 - The Tomb Evidence
A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes Truth!
Ancient African Britishers
Britian's African Population - Prehistoric to Medieval Times
Black-a-moors of Medieval Europe
Why Britian Should Apologise and Pay Reparations To African Peoples
Black Civilizations of Ancient America & Mexico
Pyramids in America
Ancient Hieroglyphic Script of the Maori of New Zealand
So-Called "Jews" and Black Slavery
"Jewish" Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas - by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael
The Black Holocaust
"Jews" and the Early Slave Trade - The Continuity of the International Slave Trade and Slave System
"Jews" and the White Slave Trade
A Story of Black-Jewish Deception: The Lies of Jewish Historians
"Jews" and Communism
Nazism Is An Imitation Of Jewdaism - Rabbi Harry Waton
A Few "Jewish" Genocides
"Jewish" Occupied Govts - USSR
Bolshevik "Jews" Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust
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Inventing Israel
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Israel A Racist State!
Journalists Killed and Injured In Israel
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The Power Of Israel In The United States
Total Direct US Aid To Israel - Almost 114 Billion Dollars
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Abandonment: 1. To withdraw one's support or help from, especially in spite of duty, allegiance, or responsibility; desert. 2. To give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of danger or other impending threat. 3. To surrender one's claim to, right to, or interest in; give up entirely. 4. To cease trying to continue; desist from. 5. To yield (oneself) completely, as to emotion. To deserted; forsake.
Aboriginal: Having existed in a land or region from the beginning.
Aborigine: A member of the indigenous (these indigenous peoples are now called "Black", english word, by modern Europeans), original inhabitants, or earliest known population of a land or region. Australia's indigenous people. Note: Considered by most scientist today that modern Africans (Homo sapiens), crossed over to Australia from New Guinea over an land bridge, some 60,000 or more years ago.
Adversarial: Relating to or characteristic of an adversary; involving antagonistic elements. 1. An opponent; an enemy.
Afar: Afar is the name that people of the Northeast use themselves. In the Amhara language they are called Adal; Arabs call them Danakil (Dankali); Oromo refer to them as Adali and neighboring Somali groups use the term Odali. In Tigrayan they are the Teltal. Afar is a more or less homogenous ethnic group. They are Muslims and have always 'enjoyed' a wild reputation, through stories by Arab and European imperialist, travelers and traders. There are many Afar groups, but all consider themselves Afars. All groups speak the Afar language known as Afar-Af, except for the Irob group of the North, who speak Saho. Other groups are the Ankala, the Adhali and the Able (near Rarahita), the Uluhto, Ayrolasso, and Asabbakari, the Modhito (near Awsa), the Dammohoyta, and the Seka noblemen.

Afar live in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. Djibouti was formerly named Afar and Issaland. Their land is the triangle north of Awash (Awash being the southern angle). They are shepherds, who also trade skins, butter and livestock with surrounding nations. Their cattle consist of camels, cows, sheep and goats. Alternative lifestyles have developed: there is Afar fishermen and farmers, and quite a lot of Afar in the salt mines. There is one remarkable division in the Afar nation: each Afar person is considered to be a red Afar or a white Afar. The reds are called the Asahyammara, the whites are the Adohyammara. The colors have nothing to do with skin color. The Afar is indigenous to Africa, so all are dark skinned people. One theory mentions Afar living on white sand (coast) and on red sand (desert), or traditions to wear white or red clothing.
Africa: Indigenous ancient Africa was a "multi-ethnic" land (these multi-ethnic indigenous peoples are now called "Black", english word, by modern Europeans). But now has many admixtures or hybridizations of Asian and Indo-European descent (some parts of modern Africa). There are still many indigenous African prototypes living throughout the continent and outside of the continent.
Note 1: The land boundaries of present day Africa were determined by European elites, at the Berlin Conference of 1884 (CE). Note 2: 90.4 percent of Africa was under European or American colonial control. This was a political-economic phenomenon that began in the 1500s whereby various European nations, conquered, and exploited large areas of the world. The last century began with almost all countries of the world enslaved under European colonial control whose effects are still felt in the shape of neo colonialism and the exploitative power of the few nations of the world. Slavery became a science in the colonial era in which tens of millions of people were killed or enslaved because of their race and color. Note 3: Most of Africa today is covered by desert or grassland; forest covers less than 10 percent of the land. Much of the continent is dominated by vast areas of plains that have uniform vegetation and landscape. Today (2002) the percentage of Africa that is wilderness is 28 percent. Today (2002) in North America, the land that is wilderness equal 38 percent. Note 4: There are no jungles in Africa. (Special Note: The name "Africa" probably comes from the Afar people, who lived (and live), at the southern end of the Red Sea. - Martin Bernal)
African: The worlds oldest inhabitants. Creators of the world's first civilizations. The word "indigenous" means "the original" or "the first". It describe "the original" peoples who live in Africa, the old inhabitants (called "Black", english word, by modern Europeans), (not newcomers, or invaders). Also including the prototypical peoples of the African ancient and modern diaspora (African ancestry or descent). Originally inhabiting areas of tropical rain forestation, also desert dwellings.
African Consciousness: Implies that you are fully aware of who and what you are and your situation as it relates to the world thus one would conclude that this awareness would yield actions that are complementary to your situation i.e. improving a bad situation or maintaining a good one. One who subscribes and practices thoughts and deeds, which promotes unity among people of African descent.
African Ethnicity: 1a. Of or relating to groups of indigenous African people sharing a common and distinctive prototypes, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage. b. Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 2. A member of a particular indigenous African ethnic group, especially one who maintains the language or customs of the group. Note: One final caution that is germane to the study of Africa's peoples is that the word "tribe" is an inaccurate and inappropriate way to describe African societies. The term carries negative connotations in the Western mind, "primitive" peoples is another false interpretation of indigenous African people. These terms are not a designation that Westerners would use to describe most distinct ethnic groups in other societies.
African languages: Consisting of six language families: Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo A, Niger-Congo B (Bantu), Nilo-Saharan, Khoi-San, and Austronesian. A language family is defined as a group of related languages that derive from a common origin, and subdivided into branches composed of more closely related languages.
Bantu: Bantu is a language group that belongs to the Niger-Congo group. Bantu languages are spoken in South Cameroon, in Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Other important Bantu languages include Lingala, Luganda, Kikongo, and Chichewa in Central and Eastern Africa, and Shona, Sindebele, Setswana, Sesotho, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Sepedi, and Swazi in Southern Africa. Some are usually known in English without the class prefix (Swahili for Kiswahili, Zulu for isiZulu, etc.), and some others vary (Setswana or Tswana, Sindebele or Ndebele, etc.). But the bare form typically does not occur in the language: in the country of Botswana the people are the Batswana, one person is a Motswana, and the language is Setswana.
Niger-Congo languages: The Niger-Congo languages are probably the largest group of the world in terms of different languages. Some of the African Languages with the largest number of speakers belong to it. Most linguists link the thirty or so Kordofanian languages to the Niger-Congo family, forming a Niger-Kordofanian language family. Several Kordofanian languages are spoken in Sudan. They are grouped together with the Niger-Congo languages.
Some major languages or subgroups belonging to Niger-Congo: West atlantic languages group (this includes Wolof spoken in Senegal and Fula a language spoken across the Sahel). Mandinka a language group spoken in West Africa (This includes Bambara, the language spoken in Mali). Kwa languages (this includes Akan spoken in Ghana). Yoruba and Igbo spoken in Nigeria. Gur languages spoken among others in Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Burkina Faso and Mali. Kru languages. Adamawa-Ubangi languages (This includes Sango spoken in the Central African Republic). A very large subgroup are the Bantu languages which include Swahili or Swahili language. Note 1: Wolof and the language spoken in ancient Kemet (Egypt) were closely related. (Special Note: Proven in Professor Ivan Van Sertima's book, Egypt Revisited).
Note 2: Ancient African languages represented a stage of linguistic development which predated the division of the languages of western Asia and Africa into semitic and hamitic branches. These ancient African or Afro-asiatic languages actually separated around 12,000 B.C.E., the ancient African languages was the great parent language of these two language groups or branches, ("mother tongue") from which they all descended.
Note 3: According to recent estimates, the number of actively spoken languages in the world today is around 6,000. More than 1,400 of those languages belong to the Niger-Congo family from Africa, and about 1,200 are in the Austronesian family from Madagascar, Indonesia, Australia, the Pacific Islands, and New Zealand.
Africanist: Admirer and specialist in African affairs, cultures, or languages.
Africology: It embodies academically, Nubiologist, Kemetology which is Egyptology, Classics, also including the study of the prototypical peoples of the African ancient and modern diaspora (inside the continent and outside of the continent), (African ancestry or descent) and all other forms of indigenous African Studies.
Ankh: An ancient African symbol representing life. It symbolizes the unification of the feminine and masculine forces in the universe and the creation of new life. The oval depicts the womb, the vertical shaft depicts the phallus and the horizontal bar expresses the coming into existence of a new life. Note 1: The Ankh is generally the most recognizable symbol of the ancient Africans in northeast Africa. Note 2: The Ankh was generally used or expressed in ancient Kemetic art, giving honor to people or things that provided or has "life giving powers," such as women, gods and goddess, kings, queens, the sun, earth (dark soil) and water. Note 3: It was later adapted by Coptic Christians as their cross.
Apathy: 1. Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. 2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness.
Arab: A member of a group of people inhabiting Arabia, in western Asia, whose language and Islamic religion spread widely throughout western Asia and northern Africa from the seventh century. The term “Arab” does not have the same meaning as does “Italian” or “Japanese.” Rather, it is more like the term “American," it refers to a roughly common language, geographic territory, and philosophy without a precise ethnic definition. Perhaps unlike many other labels we use to describe each other, the term “Arab” is one that one applies to one's self rather that a label that is given by others.
Artificial: 1.a. Made by human beings; produced rather than natural. b. Brought about or caused by sociopolitical or other human-generated forces or influences. 2. Made in imitation of something natural; simulated. 3. Not genuine or natural.
Australasia: The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.
Autarkic: 1. A policy of national self-sufficiency and nonreliance on imports or economic aid. 2. A self-sufficient region or country.
Barbarian: The word barbarian comes from the Greek word "bar-bar," for someone who stutters, is unintelligible, or does not speak Greek. The Greeks, like most ancient peoples, did not attribute much meaning to physical appearance. In ancient Greece, language was the difference that mattered, because it indicated who was not Greek. Some historians believe that the first to be labeled barbarian were the Scythians of circa 500 B.C., who lived northeast of the Black Sea and were very fair skinned. Ideas of so-called race did not exist during antiquity.
Barbaric: 1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of barbarians. 2. Marked by crudeness or lack of restraint in taste, style, or manner.
Base: 1. Having or showing a contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish lack of human decency. 2. Devoid of high values or ethics.
BCE: Before Common Era, it is the term used in the scientific community.
Berlin Conference: The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 sanctioned the invasion and partitioning of the African continent among several European powers. This conference established the boundaries of African countries as we know them today.
Betrayal: 1.a. To give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against. 1.b. To deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance. 2. To be false or disloyal to. 3. To divulge in a breach of confidence. 4. To make known unintentionally. 5. To reveal against one's desire or will. 6. To lead astray; deceive.
Black: So-called black skin = bad, wrong, evil, wicked, low, cheerless and depressing; gloomy. The opposite being white. Note 1: The achromatic color value of minimum lightness or maximum darkness; the color of objects that absorb nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; one extreme of the neutral gray series, the opposite being white. 1. Soiled, as from soot; dirty. 2. Evil; wicked. 3. Cheerless and depressing; gloomy: black thoughts. 4. Being or characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor: a black comedy. 5. Marked by anger or sullenness: gave me a black look. 6. Attended with disaster; calamitous: a black day; the stock market crash on Black Friday. 7. Deserving of, indicating, or incurring censure or dishonor: “Man... has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands” (Rachel Carson). 8. Appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin. Used chiefly of intelligence operations: black propaganda; black radio transmissions.
Usage Note: The word "black" is a english word and is in the Indo-European language family. In Old English it was blaec, closely related to its equivalents in Old High German (blah, blach) and Old Norse (blakkr). The word has alway been used to demonize indigenous people. Europeans and European Americans used the word too demonize brown skinned people globally. And to convince themselves and the world that these indigenous people are the opposite of Europeans. Who also decided to call themselves "white." Note 2: The term "black" directed towards indigenous people was and still is meant to create an antagonistic and adversarial role as opposite to the term "white."
The Oxford English Dictionary contains evidence of the use of the word black with reference to African and Aboriginal peoples, some say as early as 1400 CE in Europe, and certainly the word has been in wide use in so-called racial and ethnic contexts ever since. Do to very strong teachings, propaganda and demonization by Europeans, people with dark brown skin are now called black globally. It wasn't until the late 1960s that black (or Black) gained its present status as a ethnonym with strong connotations of ethnic pride, replacing the then-current term Negro among people of African descent. Note 3: Also see the word Negro. Reflecting the profound changes taking place in the African American communities during the tumultuous years of the civil rights and social empowerment movements. The recent success of the term African American offers an interesting contrast in this regard. Though by no means a modern coinage, African American achieved sudden prominence at the end of the 1980s when several people, including Rev. Jesse Jackson, championed it as an alternative ethnonym for Americans of African descent. The appeal of this term is obvious, alluding as it does not to imaginary skin color but to an ethnicity constructed of geography, history, and culture, and it won rapid acceptance from people of African descent globally, alongside similar forms such as Asian American.
Canaanite: (called Phoenicians later in history by the Greeks) Before the Hebrews first migrated there around 1800 B.C., the land of Canaan was occupied by Canaanites. The people had their traditional religious customs. "Between 3000 and 1100 B.C., Canaanite civilization covered what is today Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon and much of Syria and Jordan. Special Note: Those who remained in the Jerusalem hills after the Romans expelled the Jews [in the second century A.D.] were a potpourri: farmers and vineyard growers, pagans and converts to Christianity, descendants of the Arabs, Persians, Samaritans, Greeks and old Canaanite tribes. - Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright, "Their Promised Land."
The present-day Palestinians' ancestral heritage: (The Romans created the term Palestine) But all these [different peoples who had come to Canaan] were additions, sprigs grafted onto the parent tree...And that parent tree was Canaanite...[The Arab invaders of the 7th century A.D.] made Moslem converts of the natives, settled down as residents, and intermarried with them, with the result that all are now so completely Arabized that we cannot tell where the Canaanites leave off and the Arabs begin. - Illene Beatty, "Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan."
Note 1: In modern times the British once invaded and occupied the areas that is now known as Palestine and Israel. With the British Mandate and the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which Britain recognized Jewish demand for a homeland, the Jewish population increased from 10% in 1918 to 30% in 1936. In 1937 it was decided to partition Palestine with Jewish and Arab states, this idea was dropped as WWII loomed. After WWII, European Jewish immigration grew to such an extent that Britain, trying to avert confrontation between Arab and Jew slowed the process resulting in Jewish terrorism against British troops. The Palestine problem was submitted to the UN in 1947 who passed the resolution of partition. Britain ended the mandate on 14th May 1948 when the independent state of Israel in Palestine was established. In spite of the UN plan of 1947 Palestine ceased to exist as a political entity after the Arab Israeli war of 1948. Problems in the area continue.
Category: 1. A specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class. 2. A general class of ideas, terms, or things that mark divisions or coordinations within a conceptual scheme.
Caucasian or Caucasoid: Of or relating to the Caucasian racial division. No longer in scientific use. A member of the Caucasian racial division. Is no longer in scientific use.
Note 1: The belief that Caucasoids are indigenous to other parts of the world has been proven to be a fantasy or at best pseudoscientific. After the invasion of Europeans in modern times, this believe start with the idea that only great achievement can only be possible if the people and or history were "white" in spirit. This obsessive belief system gave rise to a newer concept that in some way the people and or history had to be connected the a great "white" or Caucasian so-called race of people. Unfortunately because of social conditioning, this belief is still placed in the educational systems in Europe and the United States. This concept is no longer in by scientific use in the serious study of Africa.
CE: Common Era, it is the term used in the scientific community.
Character: 1. The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. 2. A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, a group, or a category. 4. Moral or ethical strength. 5. A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities. 6. Public estimation of someone; reputation.
Cheat: 1. To deceive by trickery; swindle. 2. To deprive by trickery; defraud: cheated them of their land. 3. To mislead; fool: illusions that cheat the eye. 4. To act dishonestly; practice fraud. 5. To violate rules deliberately.
Civil Rights: 1. The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination. 2. Of or relating to such rights or privileges: civil rights legislation. 3. Of or relating to a political movement, especially during the 1950's and 1960's, devoted to securing equal opportunity and treatment for members of minority groups.
Civil Rights Act: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made racial discrimination in public places illegal. The other programs are all examples of racial preferences for people of European descent. Over a 40-year period, the Homestead Act gave away, for free, 270 million acres of what had been American Indian Territory, almost all of it to white people. The Naturalization Act allowed only "free white persons" to adopt citizenship, thus opening our doors to European immigrants, but barring Asian Americans and other groups. Racial barriers to citizenship were not removed until 1952. The Federal Housing Administration made it possible for millions of average European Americans, but not others to own a home for the first time. (see word segregation below). And the Social Security Act specifically exempted two occupations from coverage: farm-workers and domestics, both largely non-white.
Cognizance: 1. Conscious knowledge or recognition; awareness. 2. The range of what one can know or understand. 3. Observance; notice.
Commercialization: 1. To apply methods of business to for profit. 2.a. To do, exploit, or make chiefly for financial gain. b. To sacrifice the quality for profit.
Complacency: 1. A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger or trouble. 2. An instance of contented self-satisfaction.
Complacent: 1. Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned. 2. Eager to please; complaisant.
Complaisant: Exhibiting a desire or willingness to please; cheerfully obliging.
Concentrate: 1.a. To direct or draw toward a common center; focus. 1.b. To bring into one main body. 2. To converge toward or meet in a common center. 2.b. To increase by degree; gather. 3. To direct one's thoughts or attention.
Concept: 1. A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences. 2. Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion.
Conceptualization: 1. To form a concept or concepts of, and especially to interpret in a conceptual way.
Conformist: 1. A person who uncritically or habitually conforms to the customs, rules, or styles of a group.
Conquest: 1. The act or process of conquering. 2. Something, such as territory, acquired by conquering. 3. One that has been captivated or overcome.
Conscience: 1.a. The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong. Let your conscience be your guide. 1.b. A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement. 1.c. Conformity to one's own sense of right conduct. 2. The part of the superego in psychoanalysis that judges the ethical nature of one's actions and thoughts and then transmits such determinations to the ego for consideration. 3. Obsolete. Consciousness.
Conscious: 1.a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts. 1b. Mentally perceptive or alert; awake. 2. Capable of thought, will, or perception. 3. Subjectively known or felt. 4. Intentionally conceived or done; deliberate. 5. Inwardly attentive or sensible; mindful. 6. Especially aware of or preoccupied with.
Corrupt: 1. Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved. 2. Venal; dishonest. 3. Containing errors or alterations, as a text: a corrupt translation. 4. To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of. 2. To ruin morally; pervert. 3. To taint; contaminate. 4. To cause to become rotten; spoil.
Critical Thinking: The freedom to ask questions and the tools to reason, liberating one's mind from unthinking prejudice, and promoting an appreciation for the non-imperialist mental state or beliefs. Characterized by careful, exact evaluation and judgment. Being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency.
Dalit: What Is "Dalit" and "Dalitism?" Now its meaning: The root word of this word Dalit is Dal. The adjective of dal is Dalit. We find this word dal on page 471 of the prestigious Oxford Sanskrit English Dictionary, new edition, 1964, edited by the world - famous Sanskrit scholar, Sir Monier Williams. The famous word, `Daridra',which is popular in many Indian languages, is derived from `Dalit'. "Dalit" is found in many Indian languages and even a Dravidian language. The meaning given to `Dalit' in the dictionary is: burst, split, scattered, dispersed, broken, torn as under, destroyed, crushed. All these English words sum up the exact position of the Indian Untouchables and also tribes. We are crushed and cramped and made mincemeat by the Hindu religion. That is why we are Dalits. Be proud to be a Dalit, the original inhabitants of this ancient land. Let us walk with our head high. Let us be proud of our Dalit culture. Black is beautiful.
- by V.T. Rajshekar, one of India's foremost human rights activists and a spokesperson for the Indian Dalits.
Note: Also see the word untouchable below.
Deconstruction: A philosophical movement and theory of literary criticism that questions traditional assumptions about certainty, identity, and truth, asserts that words can only refer to other words, and attempts to demonstrate how statements about any text subvert their own meanings.
Defense mechanism: A way of escaping stressful thoughts or situations, by mentally forming new thoughts detached from reality.
Dehumanize: 1. To deprive of human qualities such as individuality, compassion, or civility.
Deliberate: 1. Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional: mistook the oversight for a deliberate insult. 2. Arising from or marked by careful consideration. 3. Unhurried in action, movement, or manner, as if trying to avoid error. 4. To think carefully and often slowly, as about a choice to be made. 5. To consult with another or others in a process of reaching a decision. Note 1: To consider a matter carefully and often slowly, as by weighing alternatives. Note 2: To think attentively and usually slowly, as about a choice or decision to be made.
Demonize: 1. To represent as evil or diabolic.
Denial: An unconscious defense mechanism used to reduce anxiety by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, feeling or facts that are consciously intolerable.
Denigrate: 1. To attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of; defame. 2. To disparage; belittle.
Dignity: 1. The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect. 2. Inherent nobility and worth. 3.a. Poise and self-respect. b. Stateliness and formality in manner and appearance. 4. The respect and honor associated with an important position.
Diminutive: 1. Extremely small in size; tiny. Note: Diminutive Africoid (a so-called "Pygmy").
Discouragement: 1.a. The act of discouraging. b. The condition of being discouraged. Synonyms with despair.
Distortion: 1. A statement that twists fact; a misrepresentation. 2a. The act or an instance of distorting. b. The condition of being distorted.
Disguise: 1. To modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition. 2. To conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent. 3. To conceal one's true identity. 4.a. Appearance that misrepresents the true character of something. 4.b. A pretense or misrepresentation.
Distracted: 1. Having the attention diverted. 2. Suffering conflicting emotions; distraught.
Divine right: 1. The doctrine that monarchs and or imperialists believe their have a right to ruled because they were chosen by God to do so and are accountable only to God. 2.a. Having the nature of or being a deity. b. Of, relating to, emanating from, or being the expression of a deity. c. Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred. 3. Superhuman; godlike. 4.a. Supremely good or beautiful; magnificent. b. Extremely pleasant; delightful. c. Heavenly; perfect. Note: See Manifest Destiny below.
Dominant: 1. Exercising the most influence or control. 2. Most prominent, as in position; ascendant. Note 1: Dominant applies to what exercises principal control or authority or is unmistakably ascendant. Note 2: Predominant is often nearly identical with dominant but more often implies being uppermost at a particular time or for the time being.
Egypt: Aegyptcus (See Kemet below)
Enlightenment: 1. Reaching an level of achievement resulting in intellectual development. 2. The condition of having spiritual or intellectual insight. 3. The act or process of imparting knowledge and skill.
Emancipated: 1. To free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate. 2. To be released from the control of others.
Empiricism: 1. The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge. 2.a. Employment of empirical methods, as in science. b. An empirical conclusion. 3. The practice of medicine that disregards scientific theory and relies solely on practical experience.
Erase: 1. To remove (something written, for example) by rubbing, wiping, or scraping. 2. To remove all traces of. 3. To remove or destroy as if by wiping out.
Essence: 1. The intrinsic or indispensable properties that serve to characterize or identify something. 2. The most important ingredient; the crucial element. 3. The inherent, unchanging nature of a thing or class of things. 4.a. An extract that has the fundamental properties of a substance in concentrated form. b. Such an extract in a solution of alcohol. c. A perfume or scent. 5. One that has or shows an abundance of a quality as if highly concentrated: a neighbor who is the essence of hospitality. 6. Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity.
Ethnicity: Ethnic character, background, or affiliation.
Evolve: 1.a. To develop or achieve gradually. 1.b. To work something out; devise. 2.a. Biology: To develop a characteristic by evolutionary processes. 2.b. To develop or arise through evolutionary processes. 3. To give off; emit. 4. To undergo gradual change; develop.
Existentialism: A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts.
Exuberance: 1. Full of enthusiasm, full of happy high spirits and vitality. 2. Abundant, growing in great abundance or profusion 3. Lavish or elaborate, often to the point of being excessive.
Fabricate: 1. To concoct in order to deceive.
Factitious: 1. Produced artificially rather than by a natural process. 2. Lacking authenticity, genuineness or sham.
Faithful: 1. Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or an idea; loyal. 2. Having or full of faith. 3. Worthy of trust or belief; reliable. 4. Consistent with truth or actuality.
Farce: 1. A highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for sometimes humorous effect. 2. A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery. 3. Unlikely and extravagant. 4. Often possible situations disguised and mistaken as reality. 5. Verbal humour of varying degrees of sophistication, which may include puns and sexual innuendo. 6. Often involving an elaborate scene deliberate in absurdity or nonsense.
Fascism: 1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. 1.b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. 2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
Note: Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism. The original fascist (fascismo) movement ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. In time, the generic term fascism came to cover a class of authoritarian political ideologies, parties, and political systems, most notably Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler but also Hungary's Arrow Cross Party, Romania's Iron Guard, Spain's Falange and the French political movements led by former socialists Marcel Déat and Jacques Doriot and others. Many governments and people around the world are of the opinion that the United States of America has a fascist corporate control government and political system designed to oppress others.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism
because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
- Benito Mussolini (Italian dictator, 1883-1945)
“Fascism is a religious concept”
- Benito Mussolini (Italian dictator, 1883-1945)
“Fascism is capitalism in decay”
- Vladimir Lenin quotes (Russian Founder of the Russian Communist Party,
leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917, 1870-1924)
“Fascism is capitalism plus murder.”
- Upton Sinclair quotes (AKA: Upton Beall Sinclair, Jr.
American Novelist and polemicist, 1878-1968)
Fraud: 1. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. 2. A piece of trickery; a trick. 3.a. One that defrauds; a cheat. 3.b. One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.
Free: 1. Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty. 2. Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: 3.a. Having political independence. 3b. Governed by consent and possessing or granting civil liberties. 3c. Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government. 4.a. Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance: a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need. b. Not subject to a given condition; exempt: income that is free of all taxes. 5. Not subject to external restraint: 6. Not literal or exact: a free translation. 7. Costing nothing. 8. Not occupied or used. 9. Unobstructed; clear. 10. Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank. 11. Given, made, or done of one's own accord; voluntary or spontaneous: a free act of the will; free choices. 12. Chemistry. Physics. 12.a. Unconstrained; unconfined. 12.b. Not fixed in position; capable of relatively unrestricted motion. 12.c. Unoccupied: a free energy level. 13. Not bound, fastened, or attached.
Note: To relieve of a burden, an obligation, or a restraint: a people who were at last freed from fear. 3. To remove obstructions or entanglements from, clean.
Freethinking: One who has rejected indoctrination and dogma, especially in imperialistic and religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
Genesis: 1. The coming into being of something; the origin or beginning.
Greed: An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.
Griot: (pronounced gree-oh) was the honored name bestowed on wise and knowledgeable storytellers entrusted with the pivotal task of documenting the histories and genealogies of their people.
Guinea: The word "Guinea" means "woman" in the west African language called Sousou. An island in the southwest Pacific Ocean north of Australia. The western half is considered part of Indonesia, and the eastern half forms the major portion of Papua New Guinea. Note: The Portuguese invaded and than occupied the land in 1511, naming the island New Guinea. Named after the Guinea coast of western Africa, because the indigenous people on the island looked in appearance like the indigenous people of Africa. Of course these "Africoid" and or "Australoid" island people are from the ancient African migration from Africa through western Asia into India and than to Tasmania, Australia and other lands.
Hoax: 1. An act intended to deceive or trick. 2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.
Humanism: 1. A system of thought that centers on human beings and their values, capacities, and worth. 2. Concern with the interests, needs, and welfare of human beings.

Iconoclast: 1. Somebody challenging tradition, somebody who challenges or overturns traditional beliefs, customs, and values. 2. Destroyer of religious images, somebody who destroys religious images or opposes their use in worship. 3. Heretic in Greek Orthodox Church, a member of an 8th-century movement in the Greek Orthodox Church that tried to end the use of icons.
Identity: 1. What identifies somebody or something: the name or essential character that identifies somebody or something. 2. essential self: the set of characteristics that somebody recognizes as belonging uniquely to himself or herself and constituting his or her individual personality for life. 3. sameness: the fact or condition of being the same or exactly alike. 4. mathematics equation true for all its variables: a mathematical equation that remains valid whatever values are taken by its variables.
Identity crisis: 1. A psychosocial state or condition of disorientation and role confusion occurring especially in adolescents as a result of conflicting pressures and expectations and often producing acute anxiety. 2. An analogous state of confusion occurring in a social structure, such as an institution or a corporation.
Image: 1. A reproduction of the form of a person or an object, especially a sculptured likeness. 2. An optically formed duplicate, counterpart, or other representative reproduction of an object, especially an optical reproduction of an object formed by a lens or mirror. 3. One that closely or exactly resembles another; a double. 4.a. The opinion or concept of something that is held by the public. b. The character projected to the public, as by a person or an institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media and governments. 5. A personification of something specified. 6. A mental picture of something not real or present. 7.a. A vivid description or representation. 7.b. A figure of speech, especially a metaphor or simile. 7.c. A concrete representation, as in art, literature, or music, that is expressive or evocative of something else. 8. To copy data in a file transferred to another medium. 9.a. To make or produce a likeness of. 9.b. To mirror or reflect. 9.c. To symbolize or typify. 9.d. To picture (something) mentally; imagine. 9.e. To describe, especially so vividly as to evoke a mental picture of. 10. (Computer Science) To translate (photographs or other pictures) by computer into numbers that can be transmitted to a remote location and then reconverted into pictures by another computer. 11. To visualize (something), as by magnetic resonance imaging.
Imaginary: Having existence only in the imagination; unreal.
Imperialism: 1. The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations. 2. The system, policies, or practices of such a government.
Impoverished: 1. Deprived of natural richness or strength; depleted. 2. Reduced to poverty; poverty-stricken; make poor.
Independent: 1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing. 2. Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant: an independent mind. 3. Not determined or influenced by someone or something else; not contingent. 4. Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization. 5. Not dependent on or affiliated with a larger or controlling group or system. 6.a. Not relying on others for support, care, or funds; self-supporting. 6.b. Providing or being sufficient income to enable one to live without working: a person of independent means.
Indigenous: Originating, created, to come into being, the first or the original.
Indoctrination: 1.a. To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles. b. To initiate by means of doctrinal instruction. 2. To imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view.
Influence: 1. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events, especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort. 2.a. Power to sway or affect based on prestige, wealth, ability, or position. 2b. One exercising such power. 2c. An effect or change produced by such power. 3.a. A determining factor believed by some to affect individual tendencies and characteristics. 3.b. To produce an effect on by imperceptible or intangible means; sway. 3.c. To affect the nature, development, or condition of; modify.
Insight: 1. The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration. 2. The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner.
Inspire: 1. To stimulate to action; motivate. 2. To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence. 3. To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion. 4. To affect or touch. 5. To draw forth; elicit or arouse: 6. To be the cause or source of; bring about.
Integrity: 1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness. 3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
Intellect: 1.a. The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding. 1.b. The ability to think abstractly or profoundly.
Invisible: 1. Impossible to see; not visible. 2. Not accessible to view; hidden. 3. Not easily noticed or detected; inconspicuous: "The poor are politically invisible." 4. Out of sight, out of mind, Untouchable.
Isolate: 1. To set apart or cut off from others. 2. To place in quarantine. 3. To separate (a substance) out of a combined mixture. 4. To render free of external influence; insulate. 5. Solitary; alone.
Kaffir: 1. A offensive term. 2. Was once only used directed towards Xhosa people (indigenous African ethnicity). 3. Used especially in southern Africa as a disparaging term for an indigenous African person.
Kemet: Kmt, pronounced or vocalized as Kemet (of course it can be spelled in many ways), is what these indigenous ancient Africans in the northeastern area of Africa, called their land during the dynastic or kingdom periods. Aigyptos or Aegyptus (Egypt) is what the ancient Greeks called this area thousands of years later. Also called Misr in Arabic or the biblical name Mizraim by the ancient Hebrews. The meaning of Kemet, dark of skin, as well as dark of land, earth, or ground (called black skin and black soil or land by modern Europeans).
Note 1: This highland region may be the Kemites "Mountain of the Moons " region in present day Uganda, in east Africa, the area from which the civilization and goods of Kem, originated. The rock art of the Saharan Highlands support the Egyptian traditions that in ancient times they lived in the Mountains of the Moon. The Predynastic Egyptian mobiliar art and the Saharan rock art share many common themes including, characteristic boats (Farid 1985,p. 82), men with feathers ontheir head (Petrie ,1921,pl. xvlll,fig.74; Raphael, 1947, pl.xxiv, fig.10; Vandier, 1952, p.285, fig. 192), false tail hanging from the waist (Vandier,1952, p.353; Farid, 1985,p.83; Winkler 1938,I, pl.xxlll) and the phallic sheath (Vandier, 1952, p.353; Winkler , 1938,I , pl.xvlll,xx, xxlll). Due to the appearance of aridity in the Mountains of the Moon the Proto-Saharans migrated first into Nubia and thence into Kem.
The Proto-Saharan origin of the Kemites explain the fact that the Kushites (Cushite) were known for maintaining the most ancient traditions of the Kemites as proven when the XXVth Dynasty or Kushite (Cushite) Dynasty ruled ancient Egypt. Farid (1985, p.85) wrote that "To conclude, it seems that among Predynastic foreign relations, the [Proto-]Saharians were the first to have significant contact with the Nile Valley, and even formed a part of the Predynastic population" (emphasis author). The ancestors of the Kemites originally lived in Nubia. The Nubian origin of Egyptian civilization is supported by the discovery of artifacts by archaeologists from the Oriental Institute at Qustul. On a stone incense burner found at Qustul we find a palace facade, a crowned King sitting on a throne in a boat, with a royal standard placed before the King and hovering above him, the falcon god Horus. The white crown on this Qustul king was later worn by the rulers of Upper Egypt " (p.26).

Note 2: The word chemistry comes from the word Kemet, or Chemi, which of course means black, dark or carbon. Note 3: The ancient Kamites also referred to their land as Ta-Meri (Beloved Land).
Note 4: According to the Bible the ancient Egyptians (Kamites) were descended from Ham (meaning Africa) under the name Mizraim. Ham had four sons: Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan (Genesis 10:6). The name "Mizraim" is the name given for Egypt in the Hebrew Old Testament. Many Bibles will have a footnote next to the name "Mizraim" explaining that it means "Egypt." But, the word "Kemet" is actually an ethnic term being a derivative of the word "Khem" (Cham or Ham) which means "dark," "burnt" or "black." The Bible, in the Old Testament, repeatedly refers to Egypt as the "Land of Ham" (i.e., Psalm 105:23, 27; 106:22).
Note 5: History of Herodotus (440 BC), Translated by Professor George Rawlinson, Edited by Manuel Komroff (copyrighted in 1928, by Dial Press)(Tudor Publishing Company, 1939). Unfortunately, the newer re-published books of Herodotus has been tampered with. These comments has been removed.
These are comments that Herodotus made regarding the ancient Egyptians: Link 1
There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times.
Note 6: The southern origin of the ancient Kamites (Egyptians) of antiquity who were indigenous Africans is based on a historical message found in the highly respected Papyrus of Hunefer from the Book of the Dead, or more appropriately, the Book of the Coming Forth by Day Into Night. It states, "We came from the beginning of the Nile where the god Hapi dwells, at the foothills of the mountain of the moon" (which is Kilimanjaro between Kenya and Tanzania or Rwenzori in Uganda). Coincidentally, this is the same location where some of the world's oldest human fossils have been found.
Note 7: Today the true images of the ancient Egyptian (Kamites) are rarely found in the cities but in the country sides and farmlands of Egypt. This is particularly true the further south one travels in Egypt. Most of the Egyptians in the cities carry an admixed ancestry of Asian and European, but mostly Asian from the immigration and invasions of various people into Egypt throughout the centuries. Cleopatra VII was more then likely darker then todays Greek people, however she was considered of Greek origin because the Greeks once invaded and occupied Egypt and she was descended from a Greek rulers.
Note 8: Geographers refer to northern Egypt as "Lower Egypt" and to southern Egypt as "Upper Egypt." This is because the Nile River in Egypt, unlike other rivers of the world, flows from the south to the north. So up the Nile is actually going south and that is why the southern part of Egypt is called "Upper Egypt" and down the Nile is actually going north and that is why the northern part of Egypt is referred to as "Lower Egypt." In ancient times in Africa the border of southern (or "Upper") Egypt was much further south than where it is today. Upper Egypt in ancient times extended well into what is now the country of Sudan known in ancient times as Nubia or Kush (Cush). It was from Upper Egypt (Nubia or Kush) that the first pharaoh of Egypt Narmer (also known as Menes) went out to conquer and unify all of Egypt into one nation or kingdom. It was from here (the South) that the original ancestors of the Egyptians, following the direction of the Nile River north, settled the land of Egypt. The Egyptians themselves recorded in their writings that their ancestors came from the south. For example, the Edfu text (which is an inscription still found in the Temple of Horus at Edfu) translation states: "Several thousand years ago, we were led by our king from the South to settle up the Nile Valleys."
Note 9: (Modern invasions) Egypt once invaded and occupied by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, Egypt was invaded by Napoleon (the French) in 1798 to try to restrict British trade with the east. They were driven out in 1801 by British and Turkish armies. In 1802 Egypt was restored to the Turkish Empire but ruled almost independently from Cairo by its pashas. With the building and subsequent opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 Egypt became strategically important hastening Britain's purchase of the canal in 1875. A nationalist revolt caused Britain to protect its interests by invading and occupying Egypt in 1882. Britain ruled the country through its agent and Consul General Lord Cromer and in 1914 it became a British Protectorate. With the establishing of a constitutional monarchy headed by King Faud I, Egypt was granted nominal independence on February 28, 1922. Britain retained control of defense and communications. Anglo-Egyptian Alliance in 1936 ensured a British garrison remained for twenty years and then gradual withdrawal, but the plan was interrupted by WWII that saw heavy fighting between the British and Axis forces in the northern areas of Africa. Events after WWII particularly with the emerging state of Israel caused major political problems that in 1952 saw the overthrow of the monarchy led by Colonel Nasser of the Egyptian army.
Note 10: (Summary of modern invasions) The decline of this ancient African kingdom started after the seventh century B.C.E., falling to various conquerors including the Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks, French, and British.
Krishna: In Vaishnava Hindu thinking, Krishna is the supreme personality of the godhead and all other gods, and living entities are his servants. He is unborn and eternal. He is usually pictured as dark of skin (black), in a dancing posture, and playing a flute. He is the speaker of the Bhagavad-gita, which is considered like the Bible of eastern Indian philosophy.
Liberty: 1.a. The condition of being free from restriction or control. 1.b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. 1.c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. See Synonyms at freedom. 2. Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control. 3. A right and power to engage in certain actions without control or interference. 4. Often liberties.a. A breach or overstepping of propriety or social convention. 4.b. A statement, an attitude, or an action not warranted by conditions or actualities: a historical novel that takes liberties with chronology. 4.c. An unwarranted risk; a chance: took foolish liberties on the ski slopes. 5. Not in confinement or under constraint; free.
Literate: 1.a. Able to read and write. b. Knowledgeable or educated in several fields or a particular field.
2. Familiar with literature; literary. 3. A well-informed, educated person.
MAAT: Ma’at (pronounced Ma’aut) is a spiritual concept created by ancient Africans of the northeastern area of Africa. Ma’at means universal order, harmony and justice. The ancient Kamites (ancient Egyptians) believed that unless a person was physically, mentally and spiritually healthy that she or he could not reach the state of perfection which was called MAAT. Ma’at is symbolized by a single feather. In the Kemetic spiritual system this feather is weighed against the heart of an individual on the day of judgement. If the heart balances with the feather, it is noted in the sacred scroll that this person has lived their life according to divine law (living truth), being just in her or his actions, while giving selflessly, and seeking nothing in return for their upright or honorable behavior. Note: Ma'at spirituality is considered by many to be the origin of all modern day religions.
Manifest Destiny: 1. A policy of European imperialistic expansion defended as necessary or benevolent. 2. Manifest Destiny Doctrine was based on the idea that Europeans had a divine providence. It had a future that was destined by God to expand its borders, with no limit to area or country. All the traveling and expansion were part of the spirit of Manifest Destiny, a belief that it was God's will that Americans spread over the entire continent, and to control and populate the country as they see fit. Many expansionists conceived God as having the power to sustain and guide human destiny. "It was white man's burden to conquer and christianize the land."
Note 1: In 1845, a democratic leader and influential editor by the name of John L. O'Sullivan gave the movement its name. In an attempt to explain America's thirst for expansion, and to present a defense for America's claim to new territories he wrote: ".... the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federaltive development of self government entrusted to us. It is right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth."
Note 2: Another way to disguise Manifest Destiny was to promote the philosophy of White Man's Burden. Rodyard Kipling made this philosophy famous in his poem of the same name. In his poem Kipling urged the United States to follow in the footsteps of Great Britain. He stated that, as a world power, the US had the burden to help the inferior people of the world adjust to Christianity. He also warned the United States that it would not be an easy task to take on the role of a world leader but, the rewards will outweigh the trouble.
Note 3: See Divine Right above.
Manipulation: 1.Shrewd or devious management, especially for one's own advantage. 2 a. The act or practice of manipulating. b. The state of being manipulated.
Marginalize: To relegate or confine to a lower or outer limit or edge, as of social standing.
Media literacy: 1. The condition or quality of being literate in understanding the media, especially the ability to develop skills to be critical thinkers and truthful creative producers of information. 2. This education is the process of applying literacy skills to media and technology messages as well as learning to skillfully interpret, analyze, and create messages. 3. To understand the need to remove media's stereotypes, distortions and misconceptions. 4. To understand the flow and control of information by the corporation control media outlets. 5. Understanding the different between interpreting events than reporting them. 6. Understanding that the corporation control media can deliberately distort facts, and that journalism can glosses over the fine points and hypes storytelling.
Meditate: 1. To reflect on; contemplate. 2. To plan in the mind; intend. 3. To consider or reflect at length. 4. To engage in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature. Note: Implies serious consideration, as of undertaking a course of action or of implementing a plan; the term can also denote engagement in deep reflection.
Melanesia: A division of Oceania in the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising the islands northeast of Australia and south of the equator. Melanesia means black islands. Its name is derived from the word melanin, which is the dark brownish pigment produced in the skin. The Melanesian people have large amounts of melanin in their skin, which makes their skin very dark. Melanesia includes New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji is considered part of Melanesia. Note 1: Some Melanesians are considered by many as the shortest of the peoples of the Pacific Islands. These indigenous peoples are descendants of an ancient African migration. In addition to their dark skin, most have woolly hair. Note 2: Melanesians were formerly called Negritos, by the Spaniards, who invaded and than occupied the lands.
Mer: The ancient Kamites used the word "Mer" meaning light. Referring to what is now called a "pyramid." Thousands of years after the ancient Africans build these large spiritual structures, the Greeks referred to them as "pyramis." The word "pyramid" actually comes from the Greek word "pyramis" which means "wheat cake." It's said that because the "Mer" reminded the Greeks of pointy-topped wheat cakes.
Mesopotamia: The word 'Mesopotamia' is in origin a Greek word (mesos 'middle' and potamos 'river', so 'land between the rivers'). The name is used for the area watered by the Euphrates and Tigris and its tributaries, roughly comprising modern Iraqi and part of Syria. South of modern Bagdad, the alluvial plains of the rivers were called the land of Sumer and Akkad in the third millennium. Sumer is the most southern part, while the land of Akkad is the area around modern Bagdad, where the Euphrates and Tigris are close to each other. In the second millennium both regions together are called Babylonia. The territory in the north (between the rivers Tigris and the Great Zab) is called Assyria.
Methodology: 1.a. A body of practices, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an inquiry; a set of working methods. b. The study or theoretical analysis of such working methods. 2. The branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge.
Middle East: The term Middle East (a British imperialist created term) is not and cannot be used in regards to science or ancient African history. The people today in the corner of northeast Africa and western Asia are the most admixed in the world.
Mizraim: (See Kemet above)
Moral: 1. Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character. 2. Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior. 3. Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life. 4. Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong: a moral obligation. 5. Having psychological rather than physical or tangible effects. 6. Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction.
Moreno: Is a Spanish word meaning dark skinned.
Muse: 1. To be absorbed in one's thoughts; engage in meditation. 2. To consider or say thoughtfully:
Nationalism: 1. desire for political independence; the desire to achieve political independence, especially by a country under foreign control or by a people with a separate identity and culture but no state of their own. 2. patriotism; proud loyalty and devotion to a nation. 3. excessive devotion to nation; excessive or fanatical devotion to a nation and its interests, often associated with a belief that one country is superior to all others.
Nationalize: 1. To convert from private to governmental ownership and control.
Nazism: 1. The ideology and practice of the Nazis or white supremacy, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.
Negro: The word negro means the color "Black" literally, originally from the Portuguese language, of or relating to the languages that developed from Latin, such as Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, or to the peoples that speak them. The word negro is now part of the Spanish language, both languages are sub-groups of the Latin languages; Latin is a branch of the Indo-European language family. Note 1: Considered to be the first imperialist term to describe indigenous Africans. Considered by most scientist today to be a pseudoscientific term, when used to describe any indigenous peoples. Note 2: The term was used broadly, including, for example, Moors and Berbers. Note 3: Negro, Negra, Negress, Negroid, Negrito, Negrillo or Negritude are no longer in scientific use, for at least the past 35 years, understood by most scientist today. These terms never had a true scientific bases and it was found that they were used to manipulate and segregate indigenous brown skin people. Also to minimize and control the history of indigenous people. Note 4: The word "Africoid," indigenous African, also Australoid, Afro-Asiatic or African-Asiatic are used today as more accurate terms.
Neocolonialism: The indirect control of African nations by European countries after independence is referred to as neocolonialism. This control is primarily carried out through economic measures.
Nonconformist: 1. One who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.
Obsequious: 1. Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning.
Obsession: 1. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. 2. A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.
Obvious: 1. Easily perceived or understood; quite apparent. 2. Easily seen through because of a lack of subtlety; transparent.
Occupation: 1. The act or process of holding or possessing a place. 2. The state of being held or possessed. 2.a. Invasion, conquest, and control of a nation or territory by foreign armed forces. 2.b. The military government exercising control over an occupied nation or territory.
Occupying: To seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest.
Ocher: (ochre) 1. Any of several earthy mineral oxides of iron occurring in yellow, brown, or red and used as pigments. 2. Color. A moderate orange yellow, from moderate or deep orange to moderate or strong yellow. Note 1: For thousands of years Africans had been extracting ocher from the earth. Like the Masai, Wodaabe, and Himba the ancient kmt or Kamites (the Greeks called them Egyptians) at times painted their bodies for protective, fashion or spiritual reasons. Note 2: See the words Reddish and Yellowish.
Oppression: 1. Difficult to bear; burdensome. 2. Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical. 3. Weighing heavily on the body, senses or spirit.
Papyrus: Our word "paper" derives from the word "papyrus," an Kemetic word that originally meant "that which belongs to the house". Papyrus is a triangular reed that used to grow along the banks of Africa's Nile river, and at an early stage of their history these Africans developed a kind of writing material made out of the pith within the stem of the papyrus plant.
Paramount: First in importance, rank, concern or regard. 2. Supreme in rank, power, or authority.
Parasites: 1. Biology. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. 2.a. One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return. b. One who lives off and flatters the rich; a sycophant.
Passiveness: 1. Receiving or subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return. 2. Accepting or submitting without objection or resistance; compliant. 3. Not participating, acting, or operating; inert. See Synonyms at inactive. 4. Of, relating to, or being certain bonds or shares that do not bear financial interest. 5. Relating to or characteristic of an inactive or submissive role in a relationship, especially a sexual relationship. 5.a. The passive voice. 5.b. A verb or construction in the passive voice. 6. One that is submissive or inactive.
Perceive: 1. To become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing. 2. To achieve understanding of; apprehend.
Performance: 1. artistic presentation: a presentation of an artistic work such as a play or piece of music to an audience. 2. manner of functioning: the manner in which something or somebody functions, operates, or behaves. 3. working effectiveness: the way in which somebody does a job, judged by its effectiveness. 4. thing accomplished: something that is carried out or accomplished. 5. accomplishment of something: the act of carrying out or accomplishing something such as a task or action. 6. display of behavior: a public display of behavior that others find distasteful. 7. linguistics language produced: the language that a speaker or writer actually produces, as distinct from his or her understanding of the language.
Perpetuate: 1. To cause to continue indefinitely; make perpetual. 2. To prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered.
Personalize: 1. To take a general remark or characterization in a personal manner. 2. To attribute human or personal qualities to; personify. 3. To have printed, engraved, or monogrammed with one's name or initials.
Philosophy: 1.a. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. 1.b. The investigation of causes and laws underlying reality. 1.c. A system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration. 2. Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. 3. The critique and analysis of fundamental beliefs as they come to be conceptualized and formulated. 4. The synthesis of all learning. 5. The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. 6. A system of motivating concepts or principles: the philosophy of a culture. 7. The system of values by which one lives.
Phoenician: (See Canaanite)
Pleasure principle: In psychoanalysis, the tendency or drive to achieve pleasure and avoid pain as the chief motivating force in behavior.
Politically correct: 1. Meaning, for those powers that controls the information and structure or affairs of government, politics, the state or media. 2. For those powers who controls the information and characteristic of politics, parties, politicians or media. 3. Who controls the information and having or marked by a definite or organized policy or structure with regard to government and media. 4. Mainstream powers who controls the political and media machine.
Ponder: To reflect or consider with painstaking thoroughness and care.
Predominant: 1. Having greatest ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force. 2. Most common or conspicuous; main or prevalent.
Preponderance: Superiority in weight, force, importance, or influence.
Privilege: 1.a. A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, a class, or a caste. b. Such an advantage, an immunity, or a right held as a prerogative of status or rank, and exercised to the exclusion or detriment of others. 2. The principle of granting and maintaining a special right or immunity, a society based on privilege.
Propaganda: 1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrine or cause. 2. Vocally and materially disseminated by the advocates of a doctrine or cause, generally disseminated by governments and media, using selected truths, exaggerations, and lies to convince the public.

Proselytize:  1. To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith. To convert (a person) from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another.To induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine.

Prototype: 1. An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged. 2. An early, typical example. 3. Biology. A ancestral form or, original species.

Pseudoscience: A theory, methodology, or practice that is considered to be without scientific foundation.
Psychohistory: A psychological or psychoanalytic interpretation or study of historical events or persons.
Pyramid: Pyramid, from the word pyramis. (See Mer above)
Quality: 1.a. An inherent or distinguishing characteristic. 1.b. A personal trait, especially a character trait. 2. Essential character; nature. 3.a. Superiority of kind. 3.b. Degree or grade of excellence.
Rationalism: 1. Reliance on reason as the best guide for belief and action. 2. Philosophy. The theory that the exercise of reason, rather than the acceptance of empiricism, authority, or spiritual revelation, provides the only valid basis for action or belief and that reason is the prime source of knowledge and of spiritual truth.
Realist: 1. One who is inclined to literal truth and pragmatism. 2. A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism.
Reality: 1. The quality or state of being actual or true. 2. One, such as a person, an entity, or an event, that is actual. 3. The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. 4. That which exists objectively and in fact. 5. That which has necessary existence and not contingent existence. Note: Reality is based on the preponderance of the evidence, not by popularity polls.
Recognize: 1. To know to be something that has been perceived before. 2. To know or identify from past experience or knowledge. 3. To perceive or show acceptance of the validity or reality of. 4. To permit to address a meeting. 5. To accept officially the national status of as a new government. 6. To show awareness of; approve of or appreciate. 7. To admit the acquaintance of, as by salutation.
Reddish: Mixed or tinged with red; somewhat red. Note: See the word Ocher.
Ruminate: 1. To turn a matter over and over in the mind. 2. To reflect on over and over again.
Sapient: Having great wisdom and discernment.
Saviors: 1. A person who rescues another from harm, danger, or loss. Note: In medieval Europe, (1300-1400 CE), Ethiopians were looked upon as saviors. Religion mattered most, not physical appearance. At the time, Christian Europe was at war with the Moorish Empire. Europe looked towards a Christian Ethiopian kingdom, led by what was said by some of a legendary priest king Prester John, to rescue them from the infidels. Theories of of so-called race didn't emerge until the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Schizophrenia: 1. Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia, often associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe, may have an underlying genetic cause. 2. A condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities.
Science: Knowledge, especially that gained through experience, observation, identification, description, investigation, study and discipline.
Scramble for Africa: The Scramble for Africa refers to the haphazard plundering and claiming of territories by European invaders, and missionaries, prior to the Berlin Conference.
Segregation: 1. To separate or isolate from others, from a controlling body or group. 2. To isolate. 3. To impose the separation of a group or class of people from the rest of society. 4. To become separated from a main body or mass. 5. To practice a policy of group segregation. Note 1: This pratice is generally created and maintained by governments and then taught to the public at large. Note 2: Federal affirmative action guidelines specifically prohibit quotas. Beginning in the 1930, the Federal Housing Administration and related programs made it possible for millions of average European Americans to own a home for the first time and set off the post WWII suburban building boom. The government established a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to so-called race, a policy known today as "redlining." The FHA and other government policies made possible the post World War II all-white suburbs, while people of color and in central cities were denied loans. Government policies and practices helped create two legacies that are still with us today: segregated communities and a substantial wealth gap between whites and nonwhites, much of which can be traced to the differential value of their homes.
Self-loving: The instinct or desire to promote one's own well-being; regard for or love of one's self.
Self-preservation: 1. Protection of oneself from harm or destruction. 2. The instinct for individual preservation; the innate desire to stay alive.
Self-serving: 1. Serving one's own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others. 2. Exhibiting concern solely for one's own interests.
Semite: A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the western Asia and northern Africa, including the Ethiopians, Babylonians, Hebrews, Canaanites (Phoenicians), Carthaginians, Arameans and Arabs.
Note 1: The term "SEMITIC" is actually an linguistic term, not a ETHNIC or RACIAL designations. It do not refer to a RACIAL or ETHNIC group, but rather to a language group or branch. A semite is one who speaks a semitic language. This has always been true, despite popular misuse of the terms. Being a semitic speaking person has nothing to do with having lighter skin color.
Note 2: Ancient African languages represented a stage of linguistic development which predated the division of the languages of western Asia and Africa into semitic and hamitic branches. These ancient African or Afro-asiatic languages actually separated around 12,000 B.C.E., the ancient African languages was the great parent language of these two language groups or branches, ("mother tongue") from which they all descended.
Note 3: It was believed that the Semitic languages now spoken in Ethiopia arrived there from southern Arabia. However, an increasing number of linguists now see the Semitic family started in Ethiopia and spreading from there to Southwest Asia.(Murtonen, 1967).
Sinai Peninsula: The Sinai Peninsula is a triangle-shaped peninsula lying between the Mediterranean Sea (to the north) and Red Sea (to the south). Note: The presence of ancient Africans in the Sinai Peninsula many scholars dates back at least 100 thousand years. Later Bronze Age Africans arrived in search of valuable metals. The Sinai was inhabited by the Monitu and was called Mafkat or Country of Turquoise in ancient times. They developed the peninsula's copper and turquoise mines which later drew the attention of Kemet's (Egypt's) earliest pharaohs. By 3000 BC, Kemet had asserted its control over the region. From the time of the 1st dynasty or before, the Kamites mined turquoise in Sinai at two locations, Wadi Maghareh and Serabit el Khadem. They were operated on and off on a seasonal basis for thousands of years.
Slavery: 1. A system under which the time and toil of one person are compulsorily the property of another. 2.a. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household. b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force. 3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence. 4. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household. Synonyms with servitude. 4.a. Removal of personal freedom, as to act as one chooses.
Note: The earliest victims of Western European imperialism were other Europeans. Some eight hundred years ago, Ireland became the first colony of what later became known as the British Empire. Today, a part of Ireland still remains under British occupation. Other early European victims included the Eastern Europeans. The people Charlemagne worked to death in his mines in the early part of the ninth century were Slavs. So frequent and prolonged was the enslavement of Eastern Europeans that "Slav" became synonymous with servitude. In antiquity, Germanic groups captured Slavs and sold them to the Romans as slaves. In fact, the word "slave" derives from "Slav." Eastern Europe was an early source of capital accumulation, having become wholly dependent upon Western manufactures by the seventeenth century. Charlemagne, also called Charles I or Charles the Great. King of the Franks, and founder of the first empire in Western Europe after the fall of Rome. A particularly pernicious example of intra-European imperialism was the Nazi aggression during World War II that gave the German business cartels and the Nazi state an opportunity to plunder the resources and exploit the labor of occupied Europe, including the European slave labor of concentration camps.
Socialism: 1. A social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community. 2. The theory or practice of those who support such a social system.
Sociopath: One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by aggressive, antisocial behavior.
Source: 1. The point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtained. 2. The point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or river. Synonym of origin. 3. One that causes, creates, or initiates; a maker. 4. One, such as a person or document, that supplies information. 5. Physics. The point or part of a system where energy or mass is added to the system.
Sphinx: One of a number of large stone statues with the body of a lion. The most famous Sphinx in Africa has the body of a lion and a head of a woman. It was built by the ancient Africans known to us today as the ancient Egyptians (Kamites). Note 1: There are many who believe that it is the facial image of King Khufu or King Khafre. Note 2: There is a growing body of evidence that the facial image of the famous Sphinx is of an African woman. The evidence shows that the Sphinx was build during a much earlier era. In a period when the African female image was held in the highest prays. The African woman was viewed as the creators of life and worshipped as Goddesses. Note 3: The Sphinx is 240 feet long and 66 feet high. Note 4: The name derives from the Greek word "sphingo," to strangle, or "sphingein," to bind tight, based on the Greek Sphinx's habit of strangling its victims. The name was subsequently applied to this African image of worship. The Greek mythical images were copied from these original African images thousands of years later.
Stratagem: 1. A military maneuver designed to deceive or surprise an perceived enemy. 2. A clever, often underhand scheme for achieving an objective.
Subject: 1. Being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others. 2. One who is under the rule of another or others, especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler.
Subjugation: 1. To bring under control; conquer.
Subordinate: 1. To be put or accepted as a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary. 2. Subject to the authority or control of another. 3. To make subservient; subdue.
Subservient: 1. Subordinate in capacity or function. 2. Obsequious; servile. 3. Useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote an end.
Subterfuge: A deceptive stratagem or device.
Suez Canal: A ship canal, about 103 miles long, traversing the Isthmus of Suez and linking the Red Sea and the Gulf of Suez with the Mediterranean Sea. Built under the supervision of Ferdinand de Lesseps. The Suez Canal is a modern and man made creation and was built between 1859 C.E. and 1869 C.E., separating western Asia from eastern Africa, it was opened in November 1869. The two lands were always connected prior to this man made creation. After 1875 came under the conquest, occupation and British control. The British withdrew in June 1956, and in July President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt nationalized the canal, precipitating a crisis in which Israel invaded Egypt and Great Britain and France sent armed forces to retake the canal. United Nations intervention forced an cease-fire, and the canal was reopened in April 1957. The canal was again closed in July 1967 during the Arab-Israeli War and remained closed until June 1975.
Note: Historically, the land on the eastern side of the suez canal is as much eastern Africa as it is western Asia.
Superiority complex: 1. An exaggerated feeling of being superior to others. 2. A psychological defense mechanism in which feelings of superiority counter or conceal feelings of inferiority.
Suppression: 1. The act of suppressing. 2. The state of being suppressed. 3. Psychiatry. Conscious exclusion of unacceptable desires, thoughts, or memories from the mind.
Swarthy: Having a dark complexion or color.
Totalitarian: 1. Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed.
Unite: 1. To bring together so as to form a whole. 2. To combine (people) in interest, attitude, or action. 3. To cause to adhere. 4. To have or demonstrate in combination. 5. To become or seem to become joined, formed, or combined into a unit. 6. To join and act together in a common purpose or endeavor. 7. To be or become bound together by adhesion.
Untouchable: 1. Not to be touched. 2. Out of reach; unobtainable. 3. Loathsome or unpleasant to the touch.
Note 1: The least challenged racism remains that of the Indian Caste system. Indo-Aryans started the Caste system in India after they conquered it, to preserve what they believed were their so-called racial purity in India. Now the Caste system is a part of Hinduism. The Hindu religious name for the Caste system is Verna, which literally means color system. Darker-skinned people, Dravidians, who were defeated by Aryans, became outcaste or Untouchables of the Verna system.
The following list gives a broad idea of what untouchabilty means:
  • Denial or restriction of access to public facilities, such as well, schools, roads, post offices, and courts.
  • Denial or restriction of access to temples where their presence might pollute the deity as well as the higher caste worshippers, and from resthouses, tanks, and shrines connected to temples. Untouchables... are forbidden to learn the vedas (the earliest and most sacred books of orthodox Hinduism).
  • Exclusion from any honorable, and most profitable, employment and relegation to dirty or menial occupations.
  • Residential segregation...by requiring them to remain outside the village.
  • Denial of access to services such as those provided by barbers, laundrymen, restaurants, shops, and theaters or requiring the use of separate utensils and facilities within such places.
  • Restrictions on style of life, especially in the use of goods indicating comfort or luxury. Riding on horseback, use of bicycles, umbrellas, footwear, the wearing of gold and sliver ornaments, the use of palanquins to carry bridegrooms...
  • Requirements of deference in forms of address, language, sitting and standing in presence of higher castes.
  • Restrictions on movement. Untouchables might not be allowed on roads and streets within prescribed distance of the houses or persons of higher castes.
  • Liability to unremunerated labor for the higher castes and to the performance of menial services for them. (Marc Galanter, Competing Equalities: Law and the Backward Classes in India, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984), P. 15.
According to the Indian census of 1980, there were 200 million "Untouchables" of the lowest Castes. These 200 to 300 Castes are subjected to very inhuman treatment based on practices advocated in the Hindu religious manual Manu Smriti. The life, property and honor of Untouchables still remains threatened by the higher Castes.
Pollution and purification are key concepts in the Caste system. They are based on Hindu beliefs that each Caste group can maintain its status by restricting contact with the "polluting" effects of the lower Castes and by regulating its contact with objects thought to be inherently impure.
Caste members customarily marry only members of their own Caste. There are about 3,000 Castes and more than 25,000 sub-Castes in India, some with only several hundred members and others with millions. Most wealth and power is by and large in the hands of the top three percent of Castes in India."
Note 2: What Is "Dalit" and "Dalitism?" Now its meaning: The root word of this word Dalit is Dal. The adjective of dal is Dalit. We find this word dal on page 471 of the prestigious Oxford Sanskrit English Dictionary, new edition, 1964, edited by the world - famous Sanskrit scholar, Sir Monier Williams. The famous word, `Daridra',which is popular in many Indian languages, is derived from `Dalit'. "Dalit" is found in many Indian languages and even a Dravidian language. The meaning given to `Dalit' in the dictionary is: burst, split, scattered, dispersed, broken, torn as under, destroyed, crushed. All these English words sum up the exact position of the Indian Untouchables and also tribes. We are crushed and cramped and made mincemeat by the Hindu religion. That is why we are Dalits. Be proud to be a Dalit, the original inhabitants of this ancient land. Let us walk with our head high. Let us be proud of our Dalit culture. Black is beautiful.
- by V.T. Rajshekar, one of India's foremost human rights activists and a spokesperson for the Indian Dalits.
Upper: 1. Lying farther inland: the upper Nile which is south of ancient Kemet (ancient Egypt). 1. Higher in place, position, or rank.
Upper Africa: The area of Africa that is now south of the sahara desert. Note: The ancient Kamites (ancient Egyptians) referred to the area south of their land as upper and north as lower.
Vainglorious: 1. Characterized by or exhibiting excessive vanity; boastful. 2. Proceeding from vainglory.
Varna: Means color, or the make up and the hue of mind; a social division or order of society such as caste in India.
Venal: 1.a. Open to bribery; mercenary: a venal police officer. b. Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible. 2. Marked by corrupt dealings, especially bribery: a venal administration. 3. Obtainable for a price.
Vivid: 1. Very bright, strikingly bright or intense in color. 2. Graphic, producing strong and distinct mental images. 3. Inventive, active and inventive. 4. Extremely clear and fresh, characterized by striking clarity, distinctness, or truth to life when perceived either by the eye or the mind a vivid image. 5. Lively, characterized by spirit and animation.
White: So-called white skin = good, right, high. The opposite being black.
1. Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure. 2. Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like; fortunate; happy; favorable. 3. Regarded with especial favor; favorite; darling.
Note 1: In the time of the slavery of Africans in the United States, a so-called white person was generally construed as a person without admixture of colored blood. In various statutes and decisions in different States since 1865 a white person is construed as in effect, one not having any African blood. Note 2: The term "black" directed towards indigenous people was and still is meant to create an antagonistic and adversarial role as opposite to the term "white."
Usage Note: The word "white" is a english word and is in the Indo-European language family. The word white comes from the Old English hwít, which in turn is related to very similar words in old Germanic languages. Europeans and European Americans have been taught to believe that the word "white" gives them a divine right over brown skinned people. Due to very strong teachings, propaganda, demonization and religious icon image manipulation, by Europeans, this divine right belief (whiteness) has been spread too all people globally.
Whitened: To make or become white or whiter, especially by bleaching.
Whiteness: 1. The quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness, bearing the least resemblance to black. 2. The quality or state of being white; white color, or freedom from darkness or obscurity on the surface. 3. Want of a sanguineous tinge; paleness; as from terror or grief. 4. Freedom from stain or blemish; purity; cleanness.
Whitewash: 1. Any wash or liquid composition for whitening something, as a wash for making the skin lighter in tone. 2. To conceal or gloss over, cover-up. 3. To make white; to give a fair external appearance to; to clear from imputations or disgrace; hence, to clear from obligation. 4. The act of vindicating. 5. To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof.
White privilege: White privilege has been defined as social benefits granted to people of European descent globally. The invention of the white skin social construct allows special privileges for people that call themselves white. These privileges are not easily available to people of color. This social construct was instituted in educational systems and media on a global scale, indoctrinating the indigenous to allow a sense of entitlement to the above mentioned.
White privilege, a social relation:

1. a. A right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of all others; an exemption in many particular cases from certain burdens or liabilities.

b. A special advantage or benefit of white persons; with reference to divine dispensations, natural advantages, gifts of fortune, genetic endowments, social relations, etc.
2. A privileged position; the possession of an advantage white persons enjoy over non–white persons.

3. a. The special right or immunity attaching to white persons as a social relation; prerogative.

b. display of white privilege, a social expression of a white person or persons demanding to be treated as a member or members of the socially privileged class.

4. a. To invest white persons with a privilege or privileges; to grant to white persons a particular right or immunity; to benefit or favor specially white persons; to invest white persons with special honorable distinctions.
b. To avail oneself of a privilege owing to one as a white person.
5. To authorize or license of white person or persons what is forbidden or wrong for non–whites; to justify, excuse.
6. To give to white persons special freedom or immunity from some liability or burden to which non–white persons are subject; to exempt.
- whiteprivilege.com
"White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack": "I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing each day, but about which I was 'meant' to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, and blank checks."
- Peggy McIntosh
White supremacy: The belief or theory that there is a "white race" and that they are inherently superior to and therefore entitled to rule over all of brown skin humanity. A theory developed in nineteenth-century Europe that "white" people, especially northern Europeans, were superior to others. Because of their supposed place of origin, this theory referred to northern Europeans as Aryans. Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany took this idea one step further. They claimed that the Germans were the most superior part of the Aryan race and used this belief as justification for their hatred of the eastern European Jews and their aggression toward other countries. The Nazis used an Aryan Sanskrit sign of good luck, the swastika, as their symbol. Interestingly, a form of the swastika has been found in many places, including ancient Africa (Egypt) and Turkey.
Worship: 1.a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object. 1.b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed. 2. Ardent devotion; adoration. Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship. 3.a. To honor and love as a deity. 3.b. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion.
Yellowish: Somewhat yellow; tinged with yellow. Note: See the word Ocher.
Yellow Journalism: 1. Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract viewers or readers. 2. It describes media whose style of news reporting featured sensational headlines and distorted stories to sell newspapers to excite and shape public opinion.
"Uncovering The Real Hebrew Israelite History"