Being Aware of False Images Museum
Falsifying images demeans, degrades and distorts history!
Image changing and skin bleaching of history
The attempt to erase ancient African history
Image provided courtesy of MATHU ATER
- On the top this ancient Kamite are represented on an actual wall relief, re-discovered in today's
Egypt. The image on the bottom is a false image, an impersonation of the picture of the ancient African on the top.
- Many books, television shows, movies, and websites fabricate
- or show false images of ancient Africans, in this case the ancient Kamites (ancient Egyptians),
some are just lies, others are images of Greeks and Romans who thousands of years later only imitated these Africans', appearances,
mannerisms and actions.
- Image provided courtesy of African By Nature
- To express their spirituality many of the paints that the ancient Kamites (ancient Egyptians)
used was water based, so the colors on the sculptures and wall paintings was usually washed off or faded by flooding or by
- Many of the wall painting have been re-painted in modern times, in some case trying to re-create
the original images. In other cases the gold images have been re-painted a lighter color.
- The ancient Kamites (ancient Egyptians) used many colors to portray themselves and their African
Gods in a spiritual way. Blue, green, gold and reddish brown on their monuments, sculptures, and wall paintings.
- The colors the ancient Kamites used symbolically reflected their spiritual belief systems and
were not reflective of their actual skin color. Blue and green also had great spiritual meaning.
- The man in red represents the "blood of life" and the woman in gold represents
- Colors were also used by a number of other ancient and modern indigenous African peoples, today
like the Masai or the Samburu, the Wodaabe of the Niger, and the Himba of Namibia and other indigenous African ethnic groups
in the southern, central, northern, western, and eastern areas of Africa.
- Image provided courtesy of African By Nature
- Like the Masai, Wodaabe, and Himba the ancient kmt or Kamites (the Greeks called them
Egyptians) at times painted their bodies with red pigment, a very ancient African practice.
- For thousands of years before this great civilization, Africans had been extracting ocher (or
ochre) from the earth, a mineral oxide of iron that comes in a wide array of colors.
- "The Land of the Red Women," Himba women still cover themselves with a mixture of animal fat,
red ochre and local herbs that both gives their body the smooth, reddish appearance the Himba find attractive, plus offers
some protection against the desert sun. Married women wear a small headpiece made of soft skin on top of their braided and
ochred hair.
- In addition, they often wear a heavy ornament around their necks that includes a conch shell
that hangs between their breasts in the front and a metal-studded leather plate that hangs down the center of their back.
They also wear heavy metal rings around their ankles as well as other jewelry made of copper, ostrich shells or woven reeds.
The colors the ancient Kamites used symbolically reflected their spiritual
belief systems and were not reflective of their actual skin color. Blue and green also had great spiritual meaning.
The man in red represents the "blood
of life" and the woman in gold represents fertility.
One of the most misrepresent people in North Africa are the indigenous Berber people. These
beautiful women are not shown on mainstream television, movies and rarely in print. These are the descendants of the ancient
Berbers that the ancient Romans spoke of and wrote about.
- The original indigenous Berbers were the North African ancestors of the present day dark-brown
peoples of the Sahara and the Sahel, mainly those called Fulani, Tugareg, Zenagha of Southern Morocco, Kunta and Tebbu of
the Sahel countries, as well as other dark-brown arabs now living in Mauretania and throughout the Sahel, including the Trarza
of Mauretania and Senegal, the Mogharba as well as dozens of other Sudanese tribes, the Chaamba
of Chad and Algeria."
- The Westerners have chosen to concentrate on the most recent world of the Arab and Berber-speaking
peoples and present it as if it is a world that has always been. "It is like comparing the Aztecs of five hundred years ago
with the ethnic mix of America today," wrote Reynolds. "The story of when North Africa was Moorish and Arabia, the land of
Saracens, has yet to be told."
- Dana Reynolds, Anthropologist
- Anthropologist, Dana Reynolds traced the African roots of the original North African peoples
through a dozen Greek and Byzantine (neo-Roman writers) from the first to the sixth century A.D. "They describe the Berber
population of Northern Africa as dark-skinned [modern Europeans call dark brown skin color, as black-skinned] and woolly-haired."
Among these writers who wrote about the Berbers were Martial, Silius Italicus, Corippus and Procopius.
- Saint Augustine was a dark-skinned Berber and many of the later Roman emperors would have trouble
getting citizenship in some of today’s European states.
- Professor Mikuláš Lobkowicz, the former rector
of the Munich university and current director of the Institute of Central and East European Studies in Eichstätt.
- There are those who say that the Berber is part of the African story of Ham, from the land of
Ber, the son of biblical figure Ham.
- The original inhabitants of Ireland before the Celts invaded were Berber people who stretch all
the way from Saharan Africa to Western Ireland. In North Africa they are known as Berbers, the original people before the
Arab invasion of North Africa, they were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans as "barbarians," the Tuaregs of Nigeria, Niger,
Chad, etc. are a Berber people. In Spain and Portugal they were known as "Iberians," which is the name of the Peninsula. In
Ireland the Berbers are known as "Hibernians." The Celts and later invaders pushed them back to the West of Ireland, where
you most commonly see the "black Irish" with black hair and brown eyes. The most popular recreational organization of Irish
Americans is the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH).
Modern Berber family having a traditional meal
- The images that are shown in mainstream television, movies and in print are of the lighter skinned
people that are also referred as Berber.
- Modern north Africa has changed a great deal, from waves of invasions such as the Persians, Greeks,
Romans, Germanic tribes, Arabs, Turks and the French have led to the amalgamation in the region.
- The role of literally millions of enslaved Indo-Europeans and concubinage in the creation of
admixed populations in cities like Tunis, Tripoli, Fez, Sale and Algiers are well documented. This is the formation of populations
in north Africa today.
- These now lighter skinned people do not call themselves African. In fact, the term "African"
is a very demonized term to many, more than likely because of the modern European invasion into Africa, Europeans had to justify
their behavior (some still do), and the term African is the object of ridicule and humiliation.
- The term Berber is now a regional word to apply to these people that now share many common cultural
ideas and customs.
Image provided courtesy of
The Freeman Institute™
Image of today
- Modern Africa's Sphinx. Some believe that Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his invading and occupying
soldiers to shoot off the nose and lips of the Sphinx.
Image provided courtesy of
The Freeman Institute™
Image rarely seen
- In 1798 Baron Dominique Vivant Denon drew what he saw of the Sphinx of Africa. Some believe that
Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his invading and occupying soldiers to shoot off the nose and lips.
The Real Sphinx
This image is of the indigenous African
Sphinx in Africa,
This image is of the indigenous African
Sphinx in Africa,
The European Sphinx
This image is of today's imagination of the Sphinx in Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States.
Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon (1747-1825), was one of the key figures of the art world at the end of the Ancient Regime and
during the Empire. Diderot, Voltaire, Robespierre, Josephine de Beauharnais, Bonaparte... all these famous people punctuated
his life. Living through many different regimes, this draftsman, engraver, and author was also a diplomat, collector, and
director general of museums, including the Napoleon Museum (today the Louvre Museum) which was deeply marked by his tenure.
- In May 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte left France with a military force of more than thirty-four thousand
men. Their destination was Egypt. Along with the French army went 167 savants, the most prominent men of science, headed by
the Baron Dominique Vivant Denon. After a series of victories had secured his position in Egypt, Napoleon founded the Institut
d'Egypte and directed it to study the science, African history and antiquities of ancient and modern Egypt.
- Later in that same year Denon accompanied General Desaix to Upper Egypt as the French pursued
the Mameluke Murad Bey. Denon used this often dangerous time to sketch the monumental ruins. These drawings were later shown
to Napoleon who, recognizing their importance, immediately commissioned the savants to measure and draw the monuments sketched
by the Denon. This work formed the basis of the Description de l'gypte.
- In the face of superior British forces, Napoleon's position in Egypt quickly deteriorated, but
by this time Denon had returned to France and published his Voyage dans la Basse at la Haute gypte in folio in 1802. Voyage
was so popular that it was translated into English in 1803 as Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, running to forty editions.
In the meantime the organization of the Description de l'gypte proceeded slowly under the direction of Edme Francois Jomard.
A work consisting of more than nine hundred plates with accompanying text was published from 1809 in nine volumes of text,
eleven volumes of plates and three volumes of grand format.
- The Description broke new ground in thought and technique and heralded a new era for the archaeology
of Africa's ancient Egypt. Considering the background of the savants it is not surprising that a scientific approach was taken
in the representation and study of the ancient monuments.
- The savants however continued to have difficulty representing hieroglyphs because the problem
of translation had yet to be solved.
- The Description and Denon's Voyages opened up a new world for European fantasy and
- Europeans making Egypt an exciting, fashionable and profitable destination. While the Description
was in preparation, Jean Franqois Champollion, later call by Europeans as the 'Father' of Egyptology, discovered the key to
the decipherment of the hieroglyphic text on the Rosetta Stone unearthed by Napoleon's army in 1799. In the wake of this came
a new awareness and understanding of Egyptian history.
- Men of learning could now read the ancient language, allowing them to see past the monuments
to the society and culture of ancient Egypt. After the expulsion of the French from Egypt, the invading British were able
to satisfy their own fascination with Africa's ancient Egypt. Under the patronage of Henry Salt, the Consul General, and with
a firm in from the Mameluke prince, a number of amateurs were able to explore the ruins. Perhaps the most extra-ordinary of
these amateurs was Giovanni Battista Belzoni.
- Belzoni had been born in Padua in 1778 but was in England by 1803 when he married. Being a colossus
himself - he stood at 6 feet 8 inches - it is not surprising that Belzoni played the circus strongman for a time, though by
profession he was an hydraulic engineer. He was contracted by the Muhammed Ali to construct irrigation works in Egypt, but
when he failed he was assisted by Henry Salt who commissioned him to organize the transport of the massive basalt head of
Ramesses II from Thebes to the British Museum. Belzoni tackled this task with a verve and enthusiasm which captured the imagination
of the public and ensured the admiration of his patron.
- In the following years Belzoni was to make a number of other discoveries, perhaps the most notable
being that of the magnificent tomb of the 19th Dynasty Pharaoh, Seti I, father of Ramesses II. Having entered the tomb, Belzoni's
hopes of treasure were dashed when it was found that the tomb had been robbed, some say probably in antiquity. Belzoni did,
however, discover the spectacular alabaster sarcophagus of Seti I, later drawn by Joseph Bonomi in Samuel Sharpe's The Alabaster
Sarcophagus of Oimenepthah I., King of Egypt (1864).
- It is curious - and perhaps a reflection on the wealth of discoveries coming out of Africa at
the time - that when Henry Salt offered the sarcophagus to the British Museum, the Trustees rejected it and it was sold to
Sir John Soane.
- On his return to London, Belzoni mounted an exhibition based on the tomb of Seti I which was
a resounding success. The publisher John Murray encouraged Belzoni to produce his Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries
within the pyramids, temples, tombs and excavations in Africa's Egypt and Nubia which consists of a volume of text and a volume
of magnificent plates. Within the year the Narrative of the operations was available in English, French and German. Belzoni
may have been vilified as a treasure hunter but there is no doubt that his enthusiasm and energy intensified the level of
inquiry into Egypt's antiquity.
- Not to be outdone by the French and English, the new Prussian King, Frederick Wilhelm IV, ordered
an expedition to Egypt to research scientifically the ancient monuments and to collect antiquities. Karl Richard Lepsius was
appointed by the King to lead the expedition which arrived in Egypt in 1842 and remained for three years. The expedition toured
through Egypt and Nubia and introduced a new rigour to the excavation and recording of archaeological sites. Almost nine hundred
illustrations, based on Lepsius's work, were published between 1849 and 1859 as Denkmiiler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien in
twelve folio volumes.
- Denkmtiler is the largest work of its kind and, along with Jomard's Description de l'gypte, continues
to be an important record of ancient Egyptian antiquities and sites. The copy in the State Library of Victoria was presented
by the King of Prussia himself to Redmond Barry in 1864. Barry had it bound in England for £150 before sending it to Melbourne.
- Early in the nineteenth century Africa also attracted artists such as David Roberts who visited
in 1838. Roberts portrayed Egypt's ruins with great romance and a touch of mysticism, but his work was often criticized for
its unscientific and often inaccurate rendering. The now famous image of the "Approach to the Simoon" was labeled theatrical
but when Roberts presented the image to Charles Dickens the latter thought it wonderful and inspiring.
- The popularity of Roberts' work no doubt contributed to the European and European American
- fantasies of Africa's ancient Egypt. "Egyptomania" of the time, a cult movement which influenced
all including the poets Byron, Shelley, Keats and the satirist Horatio Smith. The following lines from Shelley's 'Ozymandias'
were inspired by the colossal images depicted in Richard Pococke's Description of the East (1743-45):
- I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in
the desert...
- From the multitude of drawings published between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, Europeans
gained an insight into the society of ancient Egypt. With the advent of photography in the mid-nineteenth century the number
of images multiplied exponentially. Du Camp, Abney, Frith and others opened a new world in which the viewer saw with clarity
the grandeur and decay of that great African civilization. As Samuel Sharpe pointed out, drawings suffered from the inaccuracies
of man but not so photography: Here we have all the truthfulness of nature, all the reality of the objects themselves, and,
at the same time, artistic effects which leave us nothing to wish for.
Ancient Africa's Egypt continues to capture the imagination of the world.
Image changing and skin bleaching of history
The attempt to erase ancient African history
- Any global social system, especially one that was created by the European elites, which is a
color caste system must be maintained. The idea is to never give up social, political and economic privilege to brown skin
humanity at any cost.
- So, there has to be away to maintain the system on a global scale. Images, and the one who controls
them will always have the greatest affect. Controlling the images of Africans will always shape how we view ourselves, as
well as teach others how to treat people of African descent.
- Any movie, whether made 50 years ago or today will shape your thinking about history, ancient
and modern.
- Whether it's the Ten Commandments (a white cast of people in Africa), the movie Alexander (showing
people of African descent as servants in Egypt and white people playing the Egyptians).
- Of course Disney (the discovery and history channels), is one of the greatest manipulators of
African history. Anytime they have a program on ancient Africa (ancient Egypt), they will use white people to enact the scenes
as ancient Kamites (Egyptians). The play (live production) created by Disney, of "Aida."
- Description One: Based on Leontyne Price's Aida Story, a kiddie book version of Verdi's 1871
masterpiece--tells the story of Aida, a Nubian princess enslaved by the Egyptians, her forbidden beau Radames and Amneris,
the pharaoh's daughter who pals around with Aida but wants Radames for her own. Lion King alum Heather Headley stars.
At one time played by Deborah Cox
and Adam Pascal in Aida
- Description Two: AIDA - Disney's new musical is a classic love triangle: AIDA, a Nubian princess,
is captured by an Egyptian captain, Radames. Drawn to her, Radames saves her from a life of hard labor and instead
gives her as a handmaiden to the Egyptian princess Amneris, his future bride. Set against a backdrop of loyalty, betrayal,
and forbidden love. AIDA is the story of three people who are forced to make choices that will not only change their lives,
but will alter the course of time.
Later played by Heather Headley and
Adam Pascal as the so-called forbidden lovers
- Movies, cartoons (it always better start the process when we are young), television and books
are the ways to control this psychological distortion of historical facts. It's called psychological
- Worshipping false images is how to maintain social and economic privilege over brown skinned
humanity. Fear of removing them is still locked in our minds.
"To manipulate an image is to control
a peoplehood. Zero image has for a long time
meant the repression of our peoplehood."
- Carolyn Gerald
“Colonialism is not satisfied merely with hiding a people in its grip and emptying the
native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people,
and distorts, disfigures and destroys it.” (p 37)
- Frantz Fanon On National Culture
Colonial Discourse and Post-colonial Theory