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Parallels of Slavery
Ashkenazis Jews Are Not The Descendants Of Ancient Israelites
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The Word "JEW" It's not in the Scriptures!
Nations of the Ancient Cushite Empire - Marvelous Facts From Authentic Records
The Golden Age of the African
The Vanishing Evidence of Classical African Civilizations
The Vanishing Evidence Of Classical African Civilizations - Part 1 - The Temple Evidence
The Vanishing Evidence Of Classical African Civilisations - Part 2 - The Tomb Evidence
A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes Truth!
Ancient African Britishers
Britian's African Population - Prehistoric to Medieval Times
Black-a-moors of Medieval Europe
Why Britian Should Apologise and Pay Reparations To African Peoples
Black Civilizations of Ancient America & Mexico
Pyramids in America
Ancient Hieroglyphic Script of the Maori of New Zealand
So-Called "Jews" and Black Slavery
"Jewish" Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas - by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael
The Black Holocaust
"Jews" and the Early Slave Trade - The Continuity of the International Slave Trade and Slave System
"Jews" and the White Slave Trade
A Story of Black-Jewish Deception: The Lies of Jewish Historians
"Jews" and Communism
Nazism Is An Imitation Of Jewdaism - Rabbi Harry Waton
A Few "Jewish" Genocides
"Jewish" Occupied Govts - USSR
Bolshevik "Jews" Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust
Bias and Distorted News Coverage Examples - Russia, Israel and Media Omissions
A Background Check On The So-Called "Jews"
Inventing Israel
Zionism's Un-Hebrew Bible
Zionism's Useful Idiots!
Straight Talk About "Jewish Zionism"
Israel A Racist State!
Journalists Killed and Injured In Israel
Examples Of "Jewish" Terrorism Targeting The British
1001 Quotes By and About "Jews"
The Power Of Israel In The United States
Total Direct US Aid To Israel - Almost 114 Billion Dollars
The History and Timeline of the House of Rothschild
The Rothschild Dynasty
"Exposing" Slave Practices of Rothschild Deflects Real Crime
What Every American Needs To Know About The Israel/Palestinian Conflict
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We Are All Anti-Semites Now
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"According to Jewish belief, the Jewish People constitutes a species of their its own...i.e., a special, separate act of Creation by the Almighty. 'The thought of creating the Jewish People preceded every other thought' of the Almighty when creating the Universe according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac." (Bereshith Rabba 1,5)

Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group.  The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world...  the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity...
--- Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938

"Let us all recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member."
Louis D. Brandies, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
"The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American public opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, owned respectively by the Sulzbergers, Meyers, and the Pulitzers, (all Jewish families)."  Alfred Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection II, 1978, pp. 218-219


"Mossad can go to any distinguished American Jew and ask for help." (ex-CIA official, 9/3/1979, Newsweek)

"It has been a series of cycles invariably following the same steps.  The Jew comes to an alien society at first in small numbers. He thrives.  His presence is not resented.  He is rather treated as a friend.  Whether from mere contrasts in type—what I have called ‘friction’—or from some apparent divergence between his objects and those of his hosts, or through his increasing numbers, he creates (or discovers) a growing animosity.  He resents it.  He opposes his hosts.  They call themselves masters in their own house.  The Jew resists their claim.  It comes to violence.  It is always the same miserable sequence."   Hilaire Belloc The Jews


"The image of the world...as traced in my imagination -- the increasing influence of the farmers and workers, and the rising political influence of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a socialist and democratic regime. With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (A truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents." (David Ben Gurion)


"It is not only this fervent 'Passionalism' which conditions the attitude of the Jews in the political and social order...They always experience the need to seek unity. Because of that they are sentimentally led to reject in a more or less absolute fashion all which is contradictory to this unity. For them, what is differentiation is an attack on the principle of unity; injustice and inequality are differentiations. They must be rejected or lessened...This is explained the Socialist and Communist tendencies of which they are reproached...It is in what is called business that the Jewish soul, by utilitarianism with which he is so strongly impregnated, finds a liberal career: commerce, trade, banks, finance, and industries. It is this same characteristic which in all times and in all places has brought upon the traditional Jew sarcasms and reprobation, often enough, let us recognize it, justified." (Nomades, Kadmi Cohen, (1929)).


" If the millions of Christians by whom they are surrounded were to substitute this same principle of co-operation for that of individual competition, the importance of the Jew would immediately be destroyed. The Christian, however, will not adopt such a course, and the Jew must inevitably, I will not say dominate, the favourite expression of the antisemites, but certainly possess the advantage over others, and exercise that supremacy against which the antisemites inveigh, without being able to destroy it, seeing that its reason lies not only in the middle class among the Jews, but in the Christian bourgeoisie as well."    Bernard Lazare, AntiSemitism Its History and Causes


"With stooping form, unkempt beard, and flashing eye they might have been seen breathlessly rushing up and down everywhere in those countries which were unhappy enough to be afflicted with them. Contrary to their usual motives, it was not the desire for wealth that spurred them on to such activity, but rather the thought that Christianity could no longer withstand the repeated shocks which were convulsing society, and they were preparing to wreak on the cross of Calvary revenge for eighteen hundred and forty years of well-deserved suffering."  Cretineau-Joly writing of the Jews of the French Revolution in  Histoire du Sonderbund, p. 195 (Paris, 1850) 


Goldwin Smith, Professor of Modern History at Oxford, wrote in Nineteenth Century, October 1881: "The Jew alone regard his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah."

Jews are not, and cannot be a normal people. The eternal uniqueness of the Jews is the result of the Covenant made between God and the Jewish people at Mount Sinai…. The implication is that the transcendent imperatives for Jews effectively nullify moral laws that bind the behavior of normal nations. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, one of Gush Emunim’s most prolific ideologues, argues that the divine commandments to the Jewish people “transcend the human notions of national rights.” He explains that while God requires other nations to abide by abstract codes of justice and righteousness, such laws do not apply to Jews.  Gush Emunim, (Right Wing Jewish group)


Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives; and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of the legions against a race of fanatics, whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of human kind.   Eighteenth-century English historian Edward Gibbon


 Summarizing Judaism as “a group by themselves and therefore separate and apart—this from the earliest antiquity. All nations were struck by their hatred of others."   Werner Sombart, Jews and Modern Capitalism


I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country."  US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in Feb. 1957


"The role of Jews who write in both the Jewish and [American] general press is to defend Israel." (Commentary of Editor Norman Podhoretz)
"I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith. I am a Jew. I have been an American for sixty-three years, but I have been a Jew for 4000 years." (Rabbi Stephen S. Wise) a leader of the American Jewish Congress
"Marxism, you say, is the bitterest opponent of capitalism, which is sacred to us. For the simple reason that they are opposite poles, they deliver over to us the two poles of the earth and permit us to be its axis. These two opposites, Bolshevism and ourselves, find ourselves identified in the Internationale. And these two opposites, the doctrine of the two poles of society, meet in their unity of purpose, the renewal of the world from above by the control of wealth, and from below by revolution." (Quotation from a Jewish banker by the Comte de Saint-Aulaire in Geneve contre la Paix Libraire Plan, Paris, 1936)
Nor must we overlook the fact that in 1919 when a Communist government was established in Hungary the directorate of five included four Jews.   Dr. Arno Clemens Gaebelein
"The principal end, which is Jewish world-domination, is not yet reached. But it will be reached and it is already closer than masses of the so-called Christian States imagine. Russian Czarism, the German Empire and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being pushed towards ruin. This is the moment in which the true domination of Jewry has its beginning." (Judas Schuldbuch, The Wise Men of Zion)
"It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors 'never' lived in Palestine 'at all,' which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact." H. G. Wells, The Outline of History

The love of the Hebrews for their country was not only patriotism but also piety, and was cherished and nurtured by daily rites until, like their hatred of other nations, it was absolutely perverse (as it very well might be, considering that they were a peculiar people and entirely apart from the rest). Such daily reprobation naturally gave rise to a lasting hatred, deeply implanted in the heart: for of all hatred, none is more deep and tenacious than that which springs from extreme devoutness or piety, and is itself cherished as pious."
Baruch Spinoza 17th Century Philsopher (Tractatus theologico-politicus)

"Motto: All Jews for one and one for all. The union which we desire to found will not be a French, English, Irish or German union, but a Jewish one, a universal one. Other peoples and races are divided into nationalities; we alone have not co-citizens, but exclusively co-religionaries. A Jew will under no circumstances become the friend of a Christian or a Moslem before the moment arrives when the light of the Jewish faith, the only religion of reason, will shine all over the world. Scattered amongst other nations, who from time immemorial were hostile to our rights and interests, we desire primarily to be and to remain immutably Jews.
Our nationality is the religion of our fathers, and we recognize no other nationality. We are living in foreign lands, and cannot trouble about the mutable ambitions of the countries entirely alien to us, while our own moral and material problems are endangered. The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth. No matter where fate should lead, through scattered all over the earth, you must always consider yourselves members of a Chosen Race.
If you realize that the faith of your Fathers is your only patriotism, if you recognize that, notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only nation, if you believe that Jewry only is the one and only religious and political truth, if you are convinced of this, you, Jews of the Universe, then come and give ear to our appeal and prove to us your consent...
Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed. Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the dust, mortally wounded in the head. The net which Judaism is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and spreading daily, and the momentous prophecies of our Holy Books are at least to be realized. The time is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores. Our might is immense, learn to adopt this might for our cause. What have you to be afraid of? The day is not distant when all the riches and treasures of the earth will become the property of the Jews."
(Adolphe Cremieux, Founder of Alliance Israelite Universelle, The Manifesto of 1869, published in the Morning Post, September 6, 1920).

Moses Hess, one of the historic figures through whom the whole Jewish Program has flowed down from its ancient sources to its modern agents, wrote a book entitled "Rome and Jerusalem" in which he stated the whole matter with clearness and force:  "The Jews are something more than mere 'followers of a religion,' namely, they are a race, a brotherhood, a nation." (p. 71).
"A Jew belongs to his race and consequently also to Judaism, in spite of the fact that he or his ancestors have become apostates." (pp. 97-98).
"Every Jew is, whether he likes it or not, solidly united with the entire nation." (p. 163).  "Jewish religion is, above all, Jewish patriotism." (p. 61).

"The life of a Goi and all his physical powers belong to a Jew."
(A. Rohl. Die Polem. p.20) (It is an axiom of the Rabbis that a Jew may take anything that belongs to Christians for any reason whatsoever, even by fraud; nor can such be called robbery since it is merely taking what belongs to him.)

"The Zionist Organization is a body unique in character, with practically all the functions and duties of a government, but deriving its strength and resources not from one territory but from some seventy-two different countries...The supreme government is in the hands of the Zionist Congress, composed of over 200 delegates, representing shekel-payers of all countries. Congress meets once every two years. Its [supreme government] powers between sessions are then delegated to the Committee [Sanhedrin]."
(Report submitted to the Zionist Conference at Sydney, Australia, by Mr. Ettinger, a Zionist Lawyer)

"When a Jew in America or South Africa speaks of 'our Government' to his fellow Jews, he usually means the Government of Israel, while the Jewish public in various countries view Israeli ambassadors as their own representatives."
(Israel Government Yearbook, 1953-54, p. 35)

"As president of the largest Jewish organization, I disposed of budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars; I directed thousands of employees, and all this, I emphasize again, not for one particular state, but within the frame work of International Jewry."
(The Jewish Parado, Nahum Goldmann, p. 150)

At the age of thirty-four Jacom Brafmann, a Rabbi in Minsk, Russia converted to Christianity. In 1858 he urged the Tsar to take steps to overcome the tremendous obstacles  Jews interposed on any Jew who declared they wanted to become a Christian.  He was directed to write a report on the Jewish question.  He wrote two books, The Jewish Brotherhoods (1868), and The Book of the Kahal (1869) where he told of the Jewish Kahals, (community councils) where the Jews would sell Khazakas and meropies.  A Jew who purchased a Khazakas gained the right to acquire specified property belonging to a particular goim, such as a house, by any means whatsoever.  A meopie granted rights to lend money and do business with a specific goim and to gain possession of his property. 



It (economic antisemitism) arises from the direct competition between Jewish and Christian brokers, manufacturers, and merchants. The Christian capitalist, acting for the most part, independently of his fellows, when confronted by the harmonious, if not united, opposition of the Jewish capitalists, finds himself necessarily at a disadvantage, and in the daily struggle for life frequently succumbs to his adversaries. He, therefore, suffers directly, from the rise of Jewish manufacturers and merchants.   Bernard Lazare, AntiSemitism Its History and Causes


. . ."without any love for the soil where they lived, without any of those affections that ennoble a people, and finally without sentiments of generosity, they aspired only to feed their avarice and to accomplish the ruin of the Goths; taking the opportunity to manifest their rancor, and boasting of the hatreds that they had hoarded up so many centuries.”  Nineteenth-century Spanish historian José Amador de los Rios


The authorities complain that the East European Hebrews feel no reverence for law as such and are willing to break any ordinance they find in their way…. The insurance companies scan a Jewish fire risk more closely than any other. Credit men say the Jewish merchant is often “slippery” and will “fail” in order to get rid of his debts. For lying the immigrant has a very bad reputation. In the North End of Boston “the readiness of the Jews to commit perjury has passed into a proverb.”  E A Ross,  The Old World and the New: The Significance of Past and Present Immigration to the American People  1914.


"The Jewish Press of Vienna sold everything, put everything at a price, artistic fame as well as success in business. No intellectual production, no work of art has been able to see the light of day and reach public notice, without passing by the crucible of the Jewish Press, without having to submit to its criticism or to pay for its approval. If an artist should wish to obtain the approbation of the public, he must of necessity bow before the all powerful Jewish journals. If a young actress, a musician, a singer of talent should wish to make her first appearance and to venture before a more or less numerous audience, she has in most cases not dared to do so, unless after paying tribute to the desires of the Jews. Otherwise she would experience certain failure. It was despotic tyranny re-established, this time for the profit of the Jews and brutally exercised by them in all its plentitude.
Such as it is revealed by its results, the Viennese Press dominated by Judaism, has been absolutely disastrous. It is a work of death which it has accomplished. Around it and outside it all is void. In all the classes of the population are the germs of hatred, the seeds, of discord and of jealously, dissolution and decomposition." F. Trocase, L'Autriche juive, 1898, A. Pierret, ed., Paris; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 175-176)

"If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the some way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel." (Bernard Lazare, L'Antisemitism, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 183)

"My earliest knowledge of the Jewish attitude towards their gentile neighbors came from listening at our Inn to the stories of Jewish travelers (who stopped with us for a drink or a night's lodging) about their business dealings with the goyim. To my innocent brain it appeared that the whole purpose of a Jew in business was to was to get the best of the goy. When the goy had been cheated business was good. When the Jew had just come out even, business was very bad indeed. For the greater the harm he had done in a business transaction with a goy, the deeper appeared the narrative delight of the Jew to whom I was listening. I could not help feeling towards the goyim some of the pity I had felt for Esau when he let out that bitter cry on discovering the duplicity of Jacob." Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live. 1934

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this "new world order" the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."  Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, `La Revue de Paris', p. 574, June 1, 1928
"[Jews were] fomenting a general plague on the whole world."  Claudis, Roman Emperor, Epistolas


The preservation of Jewish religion and culture are merely excuses for something else, a smoke-screen. What the Jew really wants and expects to achieve through the instrumentality of the Hebrew school is to cultivate in his son the sharp awareness that he is a Jew and that as a racial Jew-apart from all the other races-he is waging an old war against his neighbors. The young Jew must learn to remember that before anything else his is a Jew, that, before any other allegiance, comes his allegiance to the Jewish People. He may be a good American if it is good business to be a good American. He may even pose as a good Chinaman. But no obligation he contracts with a non-jew is to be considered valid if it violates the interests of this most important obligation of his. Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live. 1934 pg 44.

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate).__________

"As for the final result of the Messianic revolution it will always be the same...the nations will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law, or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be the masters of the world." (G. Batault, Le probleme juif, p. 135; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 203-204)

"Give me control of the money of a country and I care not who makes her laws." (Meyer Rothschild)

The great majority of the Senate of the United States...somewhere around 80 percent...are completely in support of Israel, anything Israel wants. This has been demonstrated time and again, and this has made it difficult." (Senator William J. Fulbright)

"The Israelis object to an imposed settlement I don't know what they mean by an imposed settlement. It's quite obvious, without the all out support by the United States in money and weapons and so on the Israelis couldn't do what they've been doing. So we bear a very great share of the responsibility for the continuation of this...of this state of warfare." (Senator William J. Fullbright)


"They {the Jews} work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in...It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
(George Washington, in Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton & Co.)

"...[We] must stop these swarms of Jews who are trading, bartering and robbing." (General William Sherman).

"[Jews were] fomenting a general plague on the whole world." (Claudis, Roman Emperor, Epistolas).

There was a time when young Jews in great numbers took jobs as street-car conductors. That was before the car companies installed efficient check-up systems for fares collected. Today the only Jews found as conductors in street-cars are Jews who were reared in orphan asylums where the prejudice against real work is not so assiduously cultivated.
Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, 1934


Thomas Jefferson. 18th century American statesman: "Dispersed as the Jews are, they still form one nation, foreign to the land they live in. " (D. Boorstin, The Americans)

"It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors 'never' lived in Palestine 'at all,' which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact."
(H. G. Wells, The Outline of History).

"Jews may adopt the customs and language of the countries where they live; but they will never become part of the native population." (The Jewish Courier, January 17, 1924).

I know how well the Jews have earned the hatred which is in my heart towards them. I do not doubt that they have earned in equally good measure the hatred which the nations entertained towards them since records of such international courtesies have been made. Anti-Semitism is the natural effect of a social cause. I cannot understand why such a deep mystery is made of this simple cause. (Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, (1934), Pg 17).

"We are disturbed about the effect of the Jewish influence on our press, radio, and motion pictures. It may become very serious. (Fulton) Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish advertising firms threatened to remove all their advertising from the Mutual System if a certain feature was permitted to go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed." (Charles A. Lindberg, Wartime Journals, May 1, 1941).

The Jews formed only a fraction of the population of Zborow. But by virtue of the sensitiveness to their inherent worth, they regarded themselves as its natural masters. Concerning their superiority over the rest of the population of the town, there could be no question in their minds. It was all very simple. They were Jews.
And the goyim were only goyim. Superiority, come to think of it, is not exactly the worked with which to explain the precedence which the Jews of Zboriw felt over their neighbors. The numerical superiority of the goyim was an accident unworthy of being given a second thought. Their superiority in legal possessions-ah, that was the real rub! What the goyim had was only a temporary possession which the stupid law of the gentiles was attempting to make permanent. Were not they, the Jews, God's chosen? Did not God mean in the very beginning that all the good things of the world should belong to his favorites? It was a Jew's business to remember this at all times especially in his dealings with the goyim. It was practically a moral obligation on the part of every conscientious Jew to fool and cheat the goy wherever and whenever possible. The impression this made on me at the time was that the world had been created by God for the habitation and prosperity of Israel. The rest of Creation-cows, horses, nettles, oak-trees, dung and goyim-were placed there for our, the Jews' convenience or inconvenience, depending on God's good humor for the time being.
(Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, (1934), Pg 28).


"You Israeli you should never become lenient if you would kill your enemies. You shall have no pity on them until you shall have destroyed all their so-called Arab culture, on the ruins of which we shall build our own civilization." (Menachin Begin, October 28, 1956, at a Conference in Tel Aviv)

"It is really time to give up once and for all the legend according to which the Jews were obliged during the European middle ages, and above all 'since the Crusades,' to devote themselves to usury because all others professions were closed to them. The 2000 year old history of Jewish usury previous to the Middle ages suffices to indicate the falseness of this historic conclusion. But even in that which concerns the Middle ages and modern times the statements of official historiography are far from agreeing with the reality of the facts. It is not true that all careers in general were closed to the Jews during the middle ages and modern times, but they preferred to apply themselves to the lending of money on security. This is what Bucher has proved for the town of Frankfort- on-the-Maine, and it is easy to prove it for many other towns and other countries. Here is irrefutable proof of the natural tendencies of the Jews for the trade of money-lenders; in the Middle ages and later we particularly see governments striving to direct the Jews towards other careers without succeeding." (Warner Sombart, Les Juifs et la vie economique, p. 401; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 167-168)

If it were true, as the Jews claim, that the gentiles lay violent hands on them purely out of prejudice against their religion, out of envy of their superior commercial genius, how would the Jews ever get into a civilized country to begin with? Have not Jews been admitted from time immemorial, freely, kindly, almost happily by every nation at whose gate they have knocked for admittance? The story of the Jews, as they have themselves written it out, has always gone out ahead of them, to spread through the foreign peoples and evoke in their minds curiosity and pity. Have the Jews ever had to petition a country for admission-the first time? (Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, (1934),).

In an article by the Jew Victor Berger, one of the national leaders of the Socialist Party, wrote, in the Social Democratic Herald: "There can be no doubt that the Negroes and Mulattos constitute a lower race."

"We Jews, who have posed as the saviors of the world. We are today, nothing but the worlds seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners. There is no further doubt that the influence of the Jews today justify a very careful study and cannot possibly be viewed without serious alarm." (The World Significance of the Russian Revolution)

"There are two life-forces in the world I know: Jewish and gentile (non-Jewish), ours and yours...I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconcilable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever." (Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York, 1924, pp. 19, 23).


Leolom Tickach   Always Take!!   (Jewish Proverb)

"Uncovering The Real Hebrew Israelite History"