Biblical History of Black Mankind (Paperback) - by
C. McGhee Livers (Paperback - Jun 1999)
A reviewer has rated this as one of the best written and most informative books that they have ever read. The author
is a Greek and Hebrew Language scholar. She has translated selected text from a copy of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts
of the Old and New Testament Bible. As she translated these languages into English she found details concerning the origin
of Mankind. This book includes details concerning the following: Blacks' Great Biblical Heritage, Origin of Blacks Revealed,
Black Skin: A Sign of Prosperity, Origin of Whites and Jews Revealed. These details are not made known in the English translations
of our present Bibles. Every household should have a copy of this revolutionary work. The author notes on the back of her
book that she believes she was predestined to write this book, "For such a time as this."

Destruction of Black Civilization : Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C to
2000 A.D. (Paperback)
By Chancellor Williams
A widely read classic exposition of the history of Africans on the continent—and the people of African descent
in the United States and in the diaspora—this well researched analysis details the development of civilization
in Africa.
The African Origin of Modern Judaism [FW0047] |
| |
From Hebrews to Jews
by Jose' V. Malcioln (Author)
"This book deals with an aspect of human history and experience often suppressed or misrepresented. It raises
the question: Who are the Jews and what is their proper place in history? Mr. Malcioln presents to his readers a much more
convincing answer than that of other authors better known than he."
- Dr. John Henrik Clarke, author of Africans at the Crossroads
"[Dr. Malcioln] demonstrates the relationship between [African] Black Hebrews and White Jews, Arabic-speaking
Africans and Arabs. [This book] is important for members of all monotheistic religions that originated in the same region
to understand their own ancient beginnings and their ancestral ties to each other. History as it relates to the common origin
of man, without self-serving revisions by European historians, is not a subject most publications and bookstores are prepared
to handle."
- Amsterdam News, New York
"This book has a two-fold purpose to demonstrate to African (Black) and White Hebrews and Jews their undeniable
kinship and to encourage a better relationship among Israelites through understanding of that kinship. In this seminal work,
Malcioln attempts to answer the fundamental question of the Relationship between Africa and the Hebrews or Jews. This historical
study will show the contributions made before and after certain periods of Jewish dispersion from Africa."
Jose' V. Malcioln was born in Panama of a Moroccan-Hebrew mother. He has taught in the New York school
system many years. He has also taught in Mexico, Spain, Amherst, Brooklyn, Boricua and Malcolm-King Colleges. He is a graduate
of City College, N.Y., Baruch College, Columbia University and obtained his Ph.D. at the Institute lbero Americano, Madrid,
Spain. |
The Hebrew Heritage of Black Africa
Stephen S. Jacobs, a European Jew, has fully documented
in this book that the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews of biblical times were of the Black race and lived on the African and Asian
(Middle East region) continents of the world. His research is thorough and precise, contains quotations from many anthropologists,
historians and professors, and is complete with photographs, seven pages of bibliography, maps and illustrations.
This book is a must-read for people of all races and belief systems, for it satisfies the need to dispel the lies which
have enveloped the minds of the masses into believing that the White European Jews are the original "people of the Book" and
the chosen people of God expressed throughout the Bible.
It is hoped that after reading this book and others on the subject, millions more of African ancestry will not only agree
with the contents, but will also make an informed decision to reclaim and practice the way of life ordained by the Creator
through his holy Prophets.
What Will It Take to Wake Us Up?
Fear is a natural emotion, and probably the strongest of
all. If it has a rival or an equal, it is Love. The author is fearful - fearful for the future of people of African-Asian
ancestry the world over.
Several sources reveal that the African Slave Trade in the Western Hemisphere formally began in 1517, the year the Spanish
resolved to encourage immigration to Latin America by allowing each Spanish settler a quota of 12 Negro slaves. The year 2017,
which is just a few years from now, will mark the 500th anniversary of Institutionalized Slavery in the West, and although
the so-called Emancipation Proclamation was signed more than 140 years ago, the Black race globally is still not free.
Just where will the Black race be as a people in 25, 35, or 50 years? Will it forever be this way? The answer is "no."
We are sick and tired, but we are not "sick and tired of being sick and tired!" And until we are, not much will change. This
book is an attempt to "open the eyes of the spiritually and mentally blind, and to bring those who sit in spiritual and mental
darkness out of the prison house."
40 Most FAQs to Hebrew Israelites with Answers
The answers provided to many of the questions in this book
can be found throughout many of the author's previous works. This volume exists to bring together, in a more concise and direct
way, the reasons why we of the Hebrew Israelite community believe as we do.
Rather than painstakingly having to sift through six different volumes to find out the whys and why nots of the Hebrew
Israelite system, you may now learn the answers to the 40 most frequently asked questions in this single title.
The Deceiving of the Black Race
This book is written from Biblical and historical perspectives
and brings to light many unpopular, neglected, and hidden truths. For too long a time the Black race has been ill-depicted,
cited by many as not ever having a culture and not having made any contributions to civilization. This work in many places
denounces and seeks to undo, through undeniable facts, that type of thinking. However, the main purpose of this book is for
the impartation of Truth - a truth that has been hidden, crushed, and nearly destroyed for more than twenty centuries.
This book is truly "the greatest story never told" in that it reveals the Truth of how people in general, and those
of African ancestry in particular, have been greatly deceived for two-thousand years by the Pauline Doctrine, the Greco-Roman
Empire and the Roman Catholic Church.
The Deceiving of the Black Race, the only book of its kind, resurrects scores of Biblical and historical facts essential
to people of African descent. The author believes that no one has a monopoly on the Almighty, and the truths which He has
revealed to His prophets are for all peoples.

They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America - By
Ivan Van Sertima
They Came Before Columbus reveals a compelling, dramatic, and superbly detailed documentation of the presence
and legacy of Africans in ancient America. Examining navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans
and Africans; the transportation of plants, animals, and textiles between the continents; and the diaries, journals, and oral
accounts of the explorers themselves, Ivan Van Sertima builds a pyramid of evidence to support his claim of an African presence
in the New World centuries before Columbus. Combining impressive scholarship with a novelist’s gift for storytelling,
Van Sertima re-creates some of the most powerful scenes of human history: the launching of the great ships of Mali in 1310
(two hundred master boats and two hundred supply boats), the sea expedition of the Mandingo king in 1311, and many others.
In They Came Before Columbus, we see clearly the unmistakable face and handprint of black Africans in pre-Columbian
America, and their overwhelming impact on the civilizations they encountered.
Africans and Native Americans [IN059] |
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The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples
by Professor Jack D. Forbes (Author)
This volume will revise the way we look at the modern populations of Latin America and North America by providing
a totally new view of the history of Native American and African American peoples throughout the hemisphere. Africans and
Native Americans explores key issues relating to the evolution of racial terminology and European colonialists' perceptions
of color, analyzing the development of color classification systems and the specific evolution of key terms such as black,
mulatto, and mestizo, which no longer carry their original meanings. Jack Forbes presents strong evidence that Native American
and African contacts began in Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean and that Native Americans may have crossed the Atlantic long
before Columbus.
"A great piece of scholarship, a refreshing analysis of race in the Americas, and a significant advance
in the understanding of Africans and Americans in the ethnic make-up of this country."
- Molefi K. Asante, author of Historical and Cultural Atlas of African Americans
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements Introduction 1 Africans and Americans: Inter-Continental Contacts Across the Atlantic,
to 1500 6 The Intensification of Contacts: Trans-Atlantic Slavery and Interaction, after 1500 26 Negro, Black and Moor:
The Evolution of These Terms as Applied to Native Americans and Others 65 Loros, Pardos and Mestizos: Classifying Brown
Peoples 93 The Mulatto Concept: Origin and Initial Use 131 Part-Africans and Part-Americans as Mulatos 151 The Classification
of Native Americans as Mulattoes in Anglo-North America 190 Mustees, Half-Breeds and Zambos 221 Native Americans as
Pardos and People of Color 239 African American Contacts and the Modern Re-Peopling of the Americas 265 Notes 272 Bibliography
315 Index 335
Jack D. Forbes is professor emeritus and former chair of Native American Studies at the University
of California at Davis, where he has served since 1969. He is of Powhatan-Renápe , Delaware-Lenápe and other background. In
1960-61 he developed proposals for Native American Studies programs and for an indigenous university. In l971 the D-Q University
came into being as a result of that proposal.
Forbes is the author of numerous books, monographs and articles. He is also a poet, a writer of fiction, and
a guest lecturer in Russia, Japan, Britain, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Mexico
and elsewhere. He received his Ph.D from the University of Southern California in 1959, having graduated from Glendale College
in l953 and from Eagle Rock High School in 1951. Forbes was born at Bahia de los Alamitos in Suanga (Long Beach) California
in 1934. He grew up on a half-acre farm in El Monte del Sur in the San Gabriel Valley and in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, California.
Professor Forbes has served as a Visiting Fulbright Professor at the University of Warwick, England, as the
Tinbergen Chair at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Social Anthropology and
Linacre College of Oxford University, and as a Visiting Professor in Literature at the University of Essex, England. Jack
Forbes is the recipient of the Before Columbus Foundation's American Book Award for Lifetime Achievement for 1997. He has
also been a Guggenheim Fellow.
ISBN: 025206321X |
Hebrew or the So-Called Negro?
DVD - Amazon.com
History of Edom and Khazaria (Paperback)
by Melchizedek Y. Lewis
"The History of Edom and Khazaria" discusses the Lost Tribes of
Israel, including the dispersion of the Children of Israel into Ethiopia and other parts of Africa, and the history of the
Edomite Jewish nation and the Khazarian Jewish nation-past and present-and their role in the politics and prophecy of today.
The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites (Jews) The World's Best Kept Secret Ella J. Hughley
Ella Hughley has written a book about a controversial subject, that is only whispered about from time to time by Scholars,
Archaeologist and Theologians. She shows that the original Hebrews who were freed from Egyptian bondage, were a black skinned
people. But it doesn't stop there, she provides more information that shows the African Americans are descendants of those
original Hebrews.
This book brings out the fact that the bible says Ancient Israel looked like the Ethiopian and Ancient Egyptians. Ella
Hughley shows this by the biblical comparison of Moses and Joseph to the Ancient Egyptians. She shows how the punishments
/ curses that were put on Israel by the most high fit the full description of the African Americans history and social ills
in the western hemisphere.
Ella Hughley goes deeper, she provides information about the Ashkenazi Jews, and who they are really descendants from......
All in all this is a good book to begin you on the path to the truth about the original Biblical Israelites. It's a small
book (68 pages) but it contains big information.
"The Orginal African Heritage Study Bible" - by James C. Winston Publishing Company "Hebrewisms
of West Africa" - by Joseph J. Williams "Black Athena" - by Martin Bernal "The Bible as History" - by Werner Keller "The
African Origins of Modern Judaism" - Jose V. Malcioln "Civilizations of the Near East" vol. 1& 4 - by Jack M. Sasson "The
Palestine Plot" - by B. Jensen "The Thirteenth Tribe" - by Arthur Koestler "The Iceman Inheritance" - by Michael Bradley "We
the Black Jews" - by Ben-Jochannan "From Babylon to Timbuktu" - by Rudolph R. Windsor "Valley of the Dry Bones" - by
Rudolph R. Windsor "The History of Edom the Imposter Jew" - by Nabi Moshe Y. Lewis "A light to the Nations" - by Norman
K. Gottwald "The Hebrew Bible" (a socio-literary introduction) - by Norman K. Gottwald "The Hebrew Heritage of Black
Africa" - by Steven Jacobs "The Deceiving of the Black Race" - by Moses Farrar "The Truth about Black Biblic Hebrew-Israelite"
- by Ella J. Hughley "God, The Black Man and Truth" - by Ben Ammi Ben-Israel "Israelites and Jews, The Significant Difference"
- by Cohen Michael Ben-Levi "African Presence in Early Asia" - by Runoko Rashidi/Ivan Van Sertima "The Passover Plot"
- by Hugh J. Schonfield The Classic Slave Narratives" - by Henry Louis Gates Jr. (read the narrative of the life of Olaudah
Equiano) "Discovering Eve", Ancient Israelite Women in Context - Carol Meyers "The Mythmaker" - by Hyam Maccoby "Wars
of the Jews" - by Rosenthal & Mozeson "Canaan's Curse" - by Wesley B. Webster "Biblical Israelites, Black or White?"
- by Wesley B. Webster "100 Amazing Facts on the African Presence in the Bible" - by Winston-Derek Publishers, Inc.
Lies My Teacher Told Me [FW005] |
| |
Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong

Professor James W. Loewen (Author)
"A lively critique". - The New York Times
"A treat to read and a serious critique of American education". - Award citation, American
Book Award
"An extremely convincing plea for truth in education". - San Francisco Chronicle
"Every history teacher in the land needs to read this book". - San Jose Mercury News
"Remarkable". - USA Today
"Every teacher, every student of history, every citizen should read this book". - Howard
"Honest and well-written". - Harper's Magazine
"Lies My Teacher Told Me" goes beyond recounting fallacies of history and correcting American image: it surveys
social issues misreported, ideas misrepresented, and encourages students of history to think about not only the facts, but
the reporting which embellishes and colors their presentation. An invaluable guide for the reader. - Midwest
Book Review
A sociologist who spent two years at the Smithsonian surveying twelve leading high school textbooks of American
history only to find an embarrassing blend of bland optimism, blind nationalism, and plain misinformation, weighing in at
an average of 888 pages and almost five pounds. A best-selling author who wrote Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your High
School History Textbook Got Wrong.
"What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about one's heroic ancestors". -
James Baldwin
"One is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, distorted,
skimmed over. We must not remember that Daniel Webster got drunk but only remember that he was a splendid constitutional lawyer.
We must forget that George Washington was a slave owner.., and simply remember the things we regard as creditable and inspiring.
The difficulty, of course, with this philosophy is that history loses its value as an incentive and example; it paints perfect
men and noble nations, but it does not tell the truth". - W. E. B. Du Bois
"By idolizing those whom we honor, we do a disservice both to them and to ourselves....We fail to recognize
that we could go and do likewise". - Charles V. Willies
James Loewen's gripping retelling of American history as it should, and could, be taught, "Lies My Teacher
Told Me", has sold more than 800,000 copies and continues to inspire K-16 teachers to get students to challenge, rather than
memorize, their textbooks.
James W. Loewen is professor of sociology and taught race relations for twenty years at the University
of Vermont. Previously he taught at Tougaloo College in Mississippi a predominantly African American school. He now lives
in Washington, D.C., continuing his research on how Americans remember the past. He is coauthor of the first integrated state-history
textbook, "Mississippi: Conflict and Change", and creator of "The Truth About Columbus: A Subversively True Poster Book for
a Dubiously Celebratory Occasion". |